Food & Beverage

B&B breakfast trends! How to make morning meals more memorable

As the most important meal of the day, and the operative word for what B&B’s excel at, breakfast has to impress your guests so they want to return to your inn again and again – and tell everyone they know to head there too.

However, there are only so many hours in the day and it can be challenging to come up new and innovative ideas on a regular basis.

That’s why we enlisted new executive Chef Caitie (Catherine) Maharg of Iris Inn Bed and Breakfast in Waynesboro, VA, a luxury bed & breakfast overlooking Virginia’s stunning Shenandoah Valley, to give us some insights into the latest breakfast trends bound to entice.

Traditional “dinner” dishes make the meal

“Breakfast is a trending meal, being incorporated into many traditional ‘dinner’ foods,” reveals Chef Caitie.

“For example, pizza has always been such a fun thing to jazz up and experiment with, and there is so much that can be done with it. Gourmet versions are on the rise, and they are simple enough that any home cook can make them.”

One guest favorite at the inn is a breakfast pizza prepared with homemade pizza dough, local eggs, local cheese, spinach, roasted mushrooms and a balsamic Glaze.

Street food inspires new ingredients

They have been in the news, on TV, and throughout the country – street carts, and moreover, street food has become a major culinary movement influencing plenty of modern cooks and kitchens.

“Street foods are on the rise, but with a twist,” says Chef Caitie.

“It’s not just lunch and dinner anymore. Chefs are incorporating breakfast items too, from the favorite breakfast burritos to specialty pastries and breakfast dumplings. Incorporating different cultures, ingredients, and their street food trends is becoming an ‘accepted’ commodity too.”

Sweet treats are the new incredible edible

“Eggs aren’t the highlight of breakfast anymore,” according to Chef Caitie.

“Gourmet sweets have made a name for themselves. It’s not just the plain pancakes and waffles though, it’s the oatmeal pancakes with sweet pear butter and malted waffles with Grand Marnier maple syrup, coconut, toasted macadamia’s and whipped cream that are catching the attention of guests.”

Picture perfect plates are all the rage

A picture is worth a thousand words, which is especially true today in the age of Instagram and foodies wanting to share every sensational dish they savor.

“People eat with their eyes first, this isn’t a new discovery,” says Chef Caitie, “but making a plate look appealing is the key to winning the taste buds of your guests.”

A few quick tips she offers for plating to perfection:

• Don’t garnish the rim of a plate or bowl.
• Keep things neat, colourful and give them some height.
• You should also never use an inedible garnish – it should always be something that complements the dish being served.
• Sauces are also always a good way to bring colour to a plate and can be as simple as strawberries cooked down with some sugar and pureed to get that deep red colour.

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