Blocked Drains… Hospitality Strikes Against Drain Back-ups

Chemsearch has launched a new, space-saving BioAmp DrainCobra drain maintenance system in Australia.

NCH Corporation and Chemsearch released details of an innovative drain maintenance system that uses advanced FreeFlow bacteria to remove fats, oils and grease from drain lines. Ideal for hotels, restaurants and cafeterias, the DrainCobra reduces restaurant downtime and subsequent lost income, lowers emergency and general maintenance costs and eliminates guest disturbance caused by foul odours, according to Chemsearch. The DrainCobra has been shown to reduce drain maintenance costs significantly, saving a premiere steakhouse $2410 annually.

Chemsafe claims it is simple to use, fully automated and self-contained. Because of its compact size it is easy to install and incorporates a built-in back-flow prevention system. The Chemsearch system can be used in main drain lines, lateral drain lines and grease traps.

Chemsearch is a worldwide manufacturer of industrial and commercial maintenance products.

Categories: Housekeeping

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