A New Year and a New Beginning for Queensland Bodies Corporate

I’m pleased to announce through Resort News that Queensland unit owners have a new source of useful information about body corporate matters through the new website www.bodycorporatematters.com.au.

The website has been developed by experienced Queensland unit owners for other unit owners to share and learn information that they and their committees should know. The principal web site content developers are the previous executive officer of the Unit Owners Association of Queensland, Mary Mclean and myself. For many Mary and I collected useful information and spread it through the UOAQ website. That organisation now has a different focus and there seems to us to be a real need for practical solutions for real life dramas in body corporate complexes.

For the past three years Mary and I have been organising body corporate industry expos that bring government and industry experts in different aspects of managing and maintaining body corporate complexes. There has been a lot of useful information presented at these expos and we have now decided to make this expertise more readily accessible and available.

Being on a committee or being the caretaker/manager of a complex is getting more and more complicated every year. There seems to be an increasing number of legislative requirements that we committee people and owners should know about and we probably have liability to comply with, yet we may not even know that the requirements exist. The latest of many examples last year are the pool safety certificate requirements and the asbestos register. Both these are state government requirements under quite different legislations and information is available on the internet if you know where to look. Our new website aims to be a one stop source of useful, unbiased information for committee people and will be updated regularly whenever we find useful information.

We plan to steer managers, owners and committees in the right directions for sensible solutions. There are lots of professional industry suppliers working with Queensland bodies corporate and we want to let you know useful people to do business with or to ask your questions too.

The website is a social enterprise, not intended for profit and we will try to be fair and reasonable to everyone. While we will have some sponsorship, our primary purpose is to spread useful information around people who manage and maintain complexes, large and small. We intend to have plenty of variety in our sources. Our many lawyer friends (many of whom write for Resort News) give out very sensible advice to clients and potential clients in their regular mailings and on websites and we will be asking permission from them to reproduce their most useful articles and opinions for more managers and committee people and industry to read.

We encourage everyone to contribute. Give us your information, tell us your issues, and especially tell us your solutions to body corporate issues. Our email is help@bodycorporatematters.com.au

We would love to hear from anyone in the industry.

Categories: Industry

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