Single origin cups enhances the coffee experience

It’s no surprise that coffee, with its diverse varieties on the market, is one of the most widely consumed and enjoyed beverages around the world today.

Enjoying fine coffee provides new, unique and interesting sensations which are heavily influenced by where the bean is grown. Single origin coffees offer a complete flavour experience, and single origin coffee cups can enable a better appreciation of the tastes and characteristics typical of that coffee.

Luigi Bormioli has released a collection of single origin coffee cups that heighten the intensity of the aroma of coffee and enhance the most refined and sophisticated aromatic notes more than traditional, porcelain or single wall glass coffee cups. Double walled, they offer excellent heat retention and will not produce condensation that can ring table surfaces. Made from borosilicate glass, the Single Origin Coffee Cups have superior durability and are chemical and heat resistant as well as commercial dishwasher safe.

The six designs suit single origin coffee beans from Brazil, India, Jamaica, Ethiopia, Costa Rica and Colombia

Categories: Food & Beverage

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