Free webinar – The Property Occupations Act is here! Are you ready?

The Property Occupations Act took over the Property Agents and Motor Dealers Act 2000 on 1 December 2014. If you have not yet made it to any of the seminars on what the changes to the PoA mean for management rights, now is your chance.

Frank Higginson of Hynes will present a webinar on the impact of the PoA and the issues you need to consider moving forward.

The webinar will discuss the big ticket changes and you’ll also be provided an overview on how to complete the new PoA form 6 from the comfort of your own office or home, regardless of your location.

The changes that will be covered include:
• Whether there is now an obligation to reside onsite
• Persons in charge and licenced directors
• Assignment of letting appointments
• Office requirements

This is a free webinar open to all stakeholders in the management rights industry.

Webinar information
Date: Monday, 8 December 2014
Time: 3:30pm – 4:30pm (Brisbane time)
Logging in is easy! Instructions and a link to access the live webinar will be provided the day prior.

We will be recording the webinar so if you are unable to attend please register and a link to the recording and material will be provided once the webinar is complete.

Categories: News

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