accomnews attends Christmas in July lunch with the women in resort management

What’s that noise? Jingle bells? It must be that time of year again – time for the “Christmas in July Ladies Lunch”!

The monthly lunchtime gathering of fierce ladies from within the accommodation industry took a Christmassy turn on Tuesday at the D’Arcy Arms in the Gold Coast.

Superbly organised by Kathleen Neal, more than 50 ladies arrived at this quaint ole Irish pub-style restaurant to discover a roaring fire, a glittering Christmas tree, lush decorations and a warm Irish welcome from Mike, Shannon, Kerry and the team.

Resort News ladies Mandy and Rosie were on hand not only to cover the event but to join in the fun and the “Secret Santa” present exchange. As newcomers to this event we were welcomed into the throng of lovely, outgoing women who were there to make friends, share experiences, celebrate Christmas and – most importantly of all – have a barrel of laughs!

Talking of barrels, did you know the first ever barrel of Guinness to arrive on Australian soil arrived with Wicklow-born Ray D’Arcy – the original owner of the D’Arcy Arms? That was in 1988 and they still have the very same barrel on show behind the bar.

Back to the event… After introductions from all the new faces, the ladies were invited to take their seats. Drinks flowed, a delicious Christmassy two-course lunch followed and a few Christmas crackers were pulled. There was a hum of chat, plenty of smiles and lots of laughter.

The ladies came from a range of different fields within the accommodation industry but share a common desire to promote their business, make friends and support fellow strong, independent women.

Increasingly the backbone of this industry, more and more women are going solo as resort managers and are filtering through to all the other once male dominated professions. At this event there was certainly an atmosphere of support and nurturing, especially for the newbies.

‘Secret Santa’ gift sharing followed for those who wished to participate and some donated gifts were raffled – there was a distinct theme of wine prizes noted!

Afterwards, some lucky ladies took the party over to the bar while us Resort News gals had to duck out and cover another industry event in Brisbane!

Thanks to Kathleen for the invite and for all her hard work to make these very positive monthly events happen. If you are female and in the industry then you should absolutely go along one month, not only to network and make friends but also just to have fun.

Categories: News

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