How to upskill yourself in the hospitality industry

Yukari Iguchi, a hospitality and leisure academic from University of Derby Online Learning (UDOL), has offered some advice on how to upskill your staff in the hospitality industry.

He advised the following:

The term ‘revolving door’ describes the high staff turnover in the industry, which leads employers to rely on transitional workers to fill in the gap.

Although there are more career progression opportunities, if you do not develop your staff’s skills to the right level, it will have a negative impact to the business performance as well as individual career path. Therefore, it is vital that you manage your own development.

Attending training and development courses is one of the best ways to develop skills and deeper understanding of the industry and your work. However, not everyone is in the fortunate position to secure time and funds for that. More informal and less expensive, but no less effective, activities can be:

• Regularly checking industry or business news.
• Subscribing to the industry publications e.g. newsletter, magazines, etc.
• Attending the trade shows to develop your knowledge and professional network.
• Participating in charity/volunteer work e.g. local fundraising or language exchange.

Remember, this is for your development. Sometimes it is easy to stick to what is within your comfort zone but there is a need for individuals to go beyond that comfort zone, to dream and try to make that dream a reality, through experimenting with new ways of doing things.

Whatever activities you undertake, it is important to keep a record of them – it is very easy to lose a track over time. You can create a folder electronically or in hard copy to keep all records in one place (this becomes your portfolio), adding each activity on your CV every time you complete one, or keep a diary or blog (you get more motivated when you have an audience). Getting into the habit of recording your development can be very beneficial in the long run.

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