Skyscanner hotel travel search adds TrustYou meta-reviews

With the new search update, consumers are able to see an overview of how a hotel ranks overall based on all reviews about the property as well as how the hotel appeals to different categories of traveller (couples, solo travellers, and so on).

Nikhil Gupta, director of hotels and car hire at Skyscanner said: “We’ve made hotel search simple, with clever features, great imagery, traveller reviews and an uncluttered user experience. We have now enhanced the presentation of traveller reviews with the integration of Trust You meta-reviews. The enhanced reviews will now give our users greater depth of information before they make a decision.”

Benjamin Jost, CEO and co-founder of TrustYou, noted: “Meta-reviews are confidence builders. They make the travel path to purchase more efficient and give travellers a sense of trust in their decisions. Intermediaries, such as Skyscanner benefit when the traveller also extends that trust to the travel search site and becomes a long-term user.”

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