How to promote your hotel using local events

Back in November 2011, Google introduced an algorithm change to ensure their search results are “fresher”

The importance of website “freshness”

 This meant that new content would rank more favourably than older content. The change was certainly favourable for Google’s users. Even if it’s not directly specified in your search terms, you are probably looking for results which are recent and relevant. The relevancy of certain content types diminishes over time.

Hotels often struggle to find “fresh” content

This shift brought a new problem for hotel owners, however, as many property managers often don’t have much to write about on their websites to meet Google’s “freshness” requirement! Blogging regularly is commonly seen as the answer, but it can be a tedious practice for busy hoteliers. Content ideas can run dry, along with the time, patience and dedication to running a consistent content strategy.

That’s where local events come in

No matter where you are located, there are bound to be upcoming events nearby. Big and small events occur all around the world, at all times of year, in cities of every size. From something as small as a trivia night, to large events like music festivals, there’s sure to be something happening near your property in the future.

Hotel managers can benefit from a knowledge of local events in multiple ways. Guests are often looking for activities during their stay, and your knowledge of local events can be shared with them. Importantly, events can be repurposed into blog posts. While meeting Google’s “freshness” requirement, blogging about events also showcases that your location is an active and interesting destination to travel.

Some types of local events you could blog about are:

• Concerts and festivals
• Shows, fairs and carnivals
• Sporting events: national and local leagues, marathons, competitions
• Expos and trade shows
• Conferences and seminars
• Touring musicals, plays, comedy and performances
• Natural events, such as eclipses
• Markets

You can also feature different local attractions on your blog. Each week you could write about a different theme park, restaurant, natural attraction, land mark, or even explain some interesting history about your area.

Ensure there is a constant flow of fresh content added to your hotel website by writing about upcoming events and local attractions on your blog. Provide information about important events and people will love you for it. If people love your website, so will search engines!

Categories: Marketing

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