Is calendar integration the next step for accom?

Another day, another sharing economy innovation: Uber has launched a new app service that allows it to sync up with users’ personal event calendars. How might this apply to the accom sector?

The idea is that the app interprets data in the user’s calendar to recommend destinations for upcoming meetings, etc. It’s an interesting concept that relies on users agreeing to share more personal information for the added convenience of more personalised Uber service.

Could this type of technology translate over to the accommodation industry? If travel agency apps or even bigger branded hotel apps had the capability to read and interpret guests’ personal and work schedules, they might be able to pre-empt travel plans.

The benefit here would be that accom services and properties could recommend places to stay and things for guests to do on precise travel dates, so guests can book without even having to open a search engine.

Uber’s new app setting was launched on iOS this month, so time will tell if it’s likely to start a new trend.

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