Reduce booking abandonment with this easy fix

Showcase all room/property fees upfront. Nothing kills trust and transactions faster than hidden costs.

Today’s travelers are looking for honest, seamless transactions.

However, many hotels are still making a terrible mistake: Throwing in fees (Resort fees, we are looking at you!) at the most critical point in the purchase journey – right before asking for credit card information! 

This greatly increases abandonment and plants the seeds of distrust in the minds of potential guests. Worse, by encouraging abandonment at the very bottom of your booking funnel, your conversion rate will also suffer (and conversion rate is a key metric many hotel marketers are held accountable for).

As a hotel, you’re expected to simplify life, not confuse it. Nor, manipulate potential guests. Modern consumers want truthfulness and become unsettled at the first hint of any dissonance. They are usually ruthless in abandoning any property that tries to sneak in pesky fees.

Instead, be upfront.

Present any costs, such as a resort fee, as early as possible. Don’t wait until they press ‘book now’ to spring on extra charges.

Categories: Industry

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