How to up your game and beat OTAs – Part 2

Book Direct is NOT Free

Photo by William Iven on Unsplash

Tamie asks that you complete a simple exercise to find out if booking your own property through the OTA website is easier than booking direct on your website, if the answer is yes you need to up your game!

If you have not already done so, please read part one of this article by Tamie Mathews from RevenYou.

She says: “Direct bookings are not free. If you want to increase your direct business, you need to work at it” and the work starts with your website…

Up your game on your website

Building a new website is not a case of “build it and they will come”.  In 2021, a website is essential to any form of business, but it is not a passive tool for attracting new clients.  You must be constantly working, updating, and tweaking your website to ensure that customers find you and book you.

  1. A website that is modern, easy to use and appealing
  2. No more than five years old
  3. Professional photos – the difference between a photo you snap on your phone and a photo from a professional is the editing. Professional photos sell.
  4. Recent and relevant content – ensure your website is updated regularly with new content. Google algorithms rank websites that are active and constantly changing. Whenever you make large changes, ensure that Google trawls your website.
  5. Adwords – speak to a professional with regards to what an adequate budget would be
  6. SEO – pay the extra to ensure your website is search friendly
  7. Analytics – add these to your website and know how to use them to improve your website
  8. Data collection – collect, store, and use email addresses
  9. Booking Engine – customers must be able to book online 24:7
  10. Parity with the OTAs
  11. Chat – ensure people can talk to you in a variety of ways

Your website must be attractive and easy to use. Test your website frequently to ensure it meets with Google’s requirements.

Use sites such as Woorank or Supple to perform a free audit on the mechanics of your website then speak to your web designer to ensure your site is fit for purpose.

Tune in for part three and up your game with “social media”.

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