Lack of holidays see small business owners’ mental health suffer

Survey shows close on 90 percent of respondents intend taking a break

Photo by Christopher Engstrom on Unsplash

Newly-released American Express’ (AMEX) Business Class research underlines the impact inflation, supply chain pressures, labour shortages and the continued volatility surrounding COVID-19 are having on Australia’s small business community.

But taking a break could be just what the doctor orders.

The AMEX research shows 47 percent of the 517 Australian small business owners canvassed say their mental health and wellbeing have suffered as they were unable to take time off for a holiday during the pandemic.

Testament to just how critical recharging one’s batteries is, findings reveal 77 percent of small business owners say personal travel positively impacts their outlook and ability to run their business.  

Key findings include: 

  • 63 percent of small business owners believe personal travel helps them make better business decisions.
  • 66 percent agree they feel rejuvenated after a holiday and consequently take fewer sick days off work.
  • They also feel more relaxed (60 percent), happier (57 percent) and more energised (53 percent) when returning to work.
  • 53 percent say that after a leisure trip they return to work feeling more productive or inspired.
  • 72 percent say personal travel enables them to bring fresher thinking to their business, which helps them innovate and grow, with 26 percent citing increased creativity.
  • Personal travel momentum is building, with 87 percent planning at least one domestic holiday this year or next. 68 percent of small business owners are planning an international trip.

AMEX Vice President, SME Account Development, Kiely Potter, American Express said taking a holiday is one of the few ways small business owners admit that they can fully switch off from the pressures of running a small business.

“With personal travel back on the agenda, taking a holiday is critical in helping to replenish small business owners’ sense of wellbeing and productivity, and offers a fresh perspective they can inject back into their business,” she said.

“Supporting small businesses to be at their best is a key component to reinvigorating our economy and communities.”

Backing up her comments, high-profile behavioural researcher and strategist, and Founder of The Behaviour Report, Dan Gregory said Taking a break is vital for mental health and wellbeing.

“Sadly this isn’t something Aussie small business owners have generally been able to do over the last few years,” he said.

“While some small business owners may think there’s too much on their plate to step away at the moment, they should consider taking a trip, not only for their own wellbeing, but for the business benefits that will come from the time off.

“When thinking about the drivers that move us and lift us, travel helps us relax and detach; it stimulates our senses in new ways, allows us to connect and, just as importantly, to separate ourselves physically and emotionally from the day-to-day grind of our work.

“This puts small business owners in a better frame of mind when they return to work, helping them to spot opportunities, tackle challenges with a fresh perspective and be better set up for success. 

“Small business owners are definitely aware of what they’ve missed by not taking a holiday: the loss of connection and inspiration and the effects this has had on their mental wellbeing and outlook towards their business.

“There’s something in Australians’ nature that drives us at a cultural level to travel and explore to make us the best versions of ourselves. Even increasing costs, rolling delays and cancellations seem preferable to the idea of not travelling at all.” 


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