How AI is revolutionising accommodation choices for travellers

AccomNews looks at how Expedia Group is using AI to reshape the way travellers find their ideal accommodations

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Finding the perfect accommodation can be a daunting task. With a staggering 1.26 quadrillion variables to consider, including factors like hotel location, room type, dates, and price points, travellers often find themselves overwhelmed with choices.

According to Expedia Group, that’s where the power of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) steps in, making the journey smoother for travellers planning their 2024 adventures.

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Expedia Group, says it’s proud to be at the forefront of the AI revolution, constantly innovating and investing in AI and ML-driven experiences to enhance the traveller’s journey.

How is Expedia Group’s AI enhancing the traveller’s journey?

Personalised Recommendations: Expedia Group utilises AI and ML algorithms to deliver personalised and relevant trip options to travellers. These algorithms take into account a vast array of variables, ensuring that each traveller’s preferences, budget, and needs are met. This means that whether you’re seeking a family-friendly resort or an LGBTQ+-friendly hotel, AI can help you find the perfect fit.

Price Tracking: Expedia’s members-only feature on the app, Price Tracking, employs machine learning to monitor flight prices, helping travelers make informed decisions about when to book. This ensures that you get the best value for your money.

Smart Shopping: Comparing different attributes of hotel rooms can be overwhelming. AI-powered Smart Shopping simplifies the process by reading through the details of each room and recommending the best options based on your specific requirements.

Generative AI and ChatGPT: Expedia Group has taken a significant step by partnering with ChatGPT, a popular chatbot powered by generative AI. Travellers can now use this chatbot as a trip-planning tool, seeking recommendations based on their budget, travel dates, and preferences. It eliminates the hassle of sifting through numerous open tabs and offers instant assistance in making travel decisions.

In 2023, generative AI reached new heights, capturing the imagination of millions with its ability to generate text, images, and more. Expedia Group recognised its potential and integrated it into its app, providing travellers with an efficient way to plan their trips.

What’s truly remarkable is the accessibility of this technology

From healthcare to journalism, generative AI is finding applications across various industries, including travel. Harnessing the power of AI ensures that travellers benefit from cutting-edge technology to streamline their journey.

Recent survey data from Expedia Group shows that Australian travellers are increasingly open to using generative AI. Nearly 40 percent of respondents expressed their willingness to use generative AI to find accommodations, compare flight options, seek travel inspiration, and plan activities.

How does AI help promote travel to regional Australia?

As travellers explore the evolving landscape of regional Australia, the role of AI in discovering unique and personalised accommodations becomes even more critical.

With the changing face of regional destinations, travellers are finding new reasons to explore these areas, from iconic restaurants to world-class hotels. AI can help them navigate these experiences efficiently, matching their preferences with the evolving offerings of regional Australia.

Mudgee in regional NSW – Image provided by Visit Mudgee Region

As it evolves, AI will increasingly ensure travellers uncover unique experiences

The industry must keep on top of the latest travel trends and adapt its offerings.

Expedia research identified an increasing number of sober-curious travellers – close to 40 percent of Australians are interested in staying at hotels offering easily accessible alcohol-free options.

Additionally, travellers in 2024 are seeking unique occasions to celebrate with loved ones, ranging from “puppymoons” to first-date-anniversaries.

Holiday homes with outdoor amenities, such as hot tubs, fire pits, and recreational facilities, are in high demand, providing guests with experiences they can’t find at home.

With the integration of AI and generative AI into the travel industry, how travellers plan and enjoy their vacations is being transformed. With personalised recommendations, price tracking, and AI-powered chatbots, travellers are more empowered to make informed choices, simplifying the complex process of finding the perfect accommodation to meet their preferences.

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