
Voice assistants: Let’s look at the pros and cons

Not all hoteliers are convinced about the benefits of voice assistants.

Solar: Accom’s new super power

Creating a comfortable ambience which ensures outdoor spaces are still well enough lit to be functional is a balancing act,…

The pop-up wars: Why personalisation matters

The home page is the single most important experience for consumers. It’s a sacred space. It’s your opportunity to tell…

The power of backlinks for your accom business

One of the most sought-after relics in the search engine marketing realm is the coveted backlink. Why are they so…

What hoteliers can do to increase their online conversions

What can the hoteliers do to increase their online conversions? It begins with separating your online audience into bookers and browsers...

Four ways accom can aggressively acquire new emails

Whether you represent a new hotel, or an existing property looking to rebuild its email list and ensure GDPR compliance,…

Influencer marketing: The big questions answered

Audience questions raised at a recent Texas Travel Ideafest talk by Frederic Gonzalo make for a fascinating Q&A about influencer…

How to market effectively on Instagram

With its core focus on sharing visually engaging photography, Instagram is one of the ideal places for hotels and resorts…

Hoteliers vs Muggles?

The hospitality jargon on your website might be penalising your direct reservations

The new wifi standard expected by guests

Most accom guests no longer consider free wifi as a distinguishing perk. In fact, the idea of being charged for…

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