
Want to boost your hotel’s operational efficiency? Wifi is the answer

Every hotel knows how important quality guest wifi is for a positive customer experience.

Wifi is now an essential guest expectation, so it’s essential that hotels get it right, including quality, speed and access.

But as well as boosting your hotel’s brand reputation and providing that perfect guest experience, wifi can make evidence-based hotel operations much more efficient; helping to drive your profits while maximising capabilities and capacity. 

Wifi provides your hotel with actionable guest data

Every time a guest logs on to a guest wifi network, your hotel can begin to collect real-time guest and behavioural data. This includes contact details, demographic information and a series of data points created with every hotel interaction. With this data, you’ll be able to create actionable, data-rich profiles of your guest experience.

For example, you’ll be able to easily track how long customers stay in your restaurant, what time peak check in and check out times are and the revenue total of guest in-room services. This data is then analysed and used to optimise the guest experience and operations, all while improving your hotel’s bottom line.

Three ways great guest wifi will make your hotel operation sleeker and more profitable

Wifi data gives management teams the ability to view service demand and guest behaviour as whole sets of data points. Here are 3 ways you’ll be able to use wifi to make your operation slicker and more effective, ultimately increasing your hotel’s market growth.

  1. Wifi help you plan optimum hotel staffing levels

Hotel staffing levels are important to get right, for both guest service and balancing profit margins. When guests use your hotel wifi network, smartphone beacon technology can track guest-staff interactions and guest movements around the hotel. This gives you essential data on staffing levels to meet demand, capacity and business goals.

Firstly, your hotel will be able to respond in real-time by moving staff to hot spots of congestion or long wait times, for example at check in or check out.

For long term efficiencies, you’ll be able to use hotel wifi data to create the ideal staff to guest ratio at all times, carefully balancing staffing costs with guest expectations. Creating the perfect staffing level is a challenge for many hotels, but wifi data will give you the ability to meet this challenge head on, with no wasted manpower or costs. 

  1. Internet of Things and hotel wifi will drive efficiencies

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a hot topic in hotel technology at the moment, and with good reason.  For guests, IoT will allow their hotel rooms to be hyper-personalised. This means that guests will be able to control the lighting, heat or aircon in their room to their exact needs, removing blanket guess work and making sure that energy use is accurate, effective and cost-efficient.

For your hotel staff, IoT can automatically provide maintenance and repair schedules, highlighting when work needs to be carried out before it becomes a repair emergency.

Being able to plan for maintenance and schedule likely repairs is an important way for your hotel increase its efficiency, as well as maximise budget lines.

  1. Data from hotel wifi will supercharge your marketing efforts

Hotels spend a lot on marketing, so ROI and efficiency of marketing spend and budget is vital. Data collected from wifi will ensure that your marketing communications can be segmented, analysed and used to tailor communications to pack maximum impact. Guests can be sent behavioural emails triggered at every captured interaction with your hotel, helping to encourage repeat bookings or support upselling opportunities to boost revenue. In addition, wifi data will help inform where you need to spend your marketing budget for customer acquisition.

You’ll soon know how your guests like to interact with you, so you’ll be able to target accordingly via demographics and customer profiles. Hotel wifi is a great way to see increased ROI on marketing operations.

How to choose the best wifi for your hotel

So, we’ve established that quality wifi isn’t just a ‘nice’ extra for hotels to give to their guests, it’s an essential way to drive lasting efficiencies and increase your hotel profits too. Investing in wifi infrastructure with longevity is important for any future thinking hotel, and there’s lots to consider. Firstly, your hotel must decide on the frequency of wifi needed, deciding between 2.4GHz and 5GHz wifi.

While it can seem complicated, it’s basically about the size of your hotel and its speed requirements. For hotels targeting business guests, 5GHz wifi may be more suitable, especially if you have a separate business suite.  For large hotels with multiple rooms, 2.4GHz may be a better, cost effective option. You’ll also need access points and suitable infrastructure, as well as thinking about any other devices that have Bluetooth technology which can interfere with wifi signal.

Once a great guest wifi network has been implemented, your hotel can begin to make operational efficiencies straight away; so don’t underestimate the importance of getting it right.

Guests and hotel operations benefit from great guest wifi

Wifi is important for guest experience, but hotels can also massively benefit. Using the data provided by guests to tailor and personalise communications, you’ll be able to make your hotel marketing more targeted and efficient. Beacon technology combined with wifi will allow you to track customer movements and respond in real time with optimum staffing levels. Every hotel wants to maximise their investment and create efficient operations, and wifi will give you the insight, strategy and tools to be able to do this.

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