Central QLD top FIFO Spot
According to Capricorn Enterprise, the Gold and Sunshine coasts can’t compete with the Capricorn Coast and Rockhampton when it comes to offering choice to mine workers between Fly in Fly out, Drive in Drive out or Fly in Drive out.
CEO Mary Carroll said “57,000 mine workers are currently employed in the Central Queensland mining boom region encompassing the Bowen, Surat and Galilee basins. Whilst the need to source workers from all over the country and overseas is currently needed, our destination is punching above our weight when it comes to choice of residency.”
Latest figures from the Office of Economic & Statistical Research show that 50% of mine workers in the Banana Shire (Moura, Biloela etc) and 54% of mine workers in the Central Highlands shire (Emerald, Blackwater etc) already reside on the Capricorn Coast and Rockhampton, and these figures are growing.
“The issue of FIFO, DIDO or FIDO is about providing choice for mining workers and their families. Of course other destinations in Queensland are actively chasing a piece of this action but the statistics clearly reveal that the Capricorn Coast and Rockhampton remains the preferred choice of residency outside of CQ mining towns, particularly for Bowen Basin mine workers and their families. These families know that this is a great place to live, play, work and invest.” she said
“Whilst 26% of mine workers from the Banana Shire reside in Brisbane and the South East corner, the bulk of these are in senior management or contractors. This is reflected in trends at the Rockhampton Airport, which is seeing a steady increase of FIDO workers into the city, flying into Rocky then driving out to CQ mines for their rosters. ” she said
Capricorn Enterprise in partnership with Rockhampton Regional Council, its airport management and our industry partners are actively working on collation of more localised statistics and strategies to ensure we continue to provide the support services required for the mining boom. Rockhampton, the capital of CQ offers amazing opportunities to the partners and children of mine workers in education, health, retail, government services and small business ventures. “
“Capricorn Enterprise has identified seven priority projects for our region which have been embraced by local, state and federal government, and at the top of the list is critical road, rail, air and port infrastructure. Lobbying to flood proof the national highway into Rockhampton, obtaining regular tilt train services between Rockhampton and Gladstone are just two of the components of this strategy. Whilst other regions it seems have just woken up to the mining boom, Rocky and the Cap Coast have been actively working in this space for years.” she said.

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