
Switching to Eco friendly Signage

It almost seems like an oxymoron but in this day and age anything is possible.

There are advancements every day in technology to enable us continue in this industry and still offer eco friendly solutions to every business. The world of signage is now offering environmentally friendly inks, materials and LED lighting solutions that benefit business bottom dollar and the planet.

Eco is not just a catch word; it’s a necessity we all have to embrace. Sign companies like ours have purchased new printers that use environmentally friendly inks. These inks release less waste into the atmosphere yet no less vibrant in colour ensuring you receive the precise image you require without the heavy environmental footprint. There are some inks available today that are completely non-toxic and water based, offering pollutant free printing. Isn’t that a step forward for a better future in printing?

We also aim to source materials derived from renewable resources or low environmental impact whenever possible enabling us to offer sustainable business practices to you every day. It is paramount that businesses introduce practices like using recycled or recyclable products, using the right safety equipment to ensure the health of staff and the wider community, disposing of waste appropriately and using energy efficient lighting and equipment.

But what can you do to lessen your footprint when designing or ordering new signage for your business? Well here are our 5 top tips to eco friendly sigange –

1. Before you start designing your outdoor signage, take note of the direction and quantity of sun, wind and rain that can affect the site. You want maximum exposure but not maximum wear. Choose the right type of signage and the colours. If fading or rust is an issue consult your signwriter on the best product before setting your heart on an expensive venture that will need to be updated year after year.

2. If you are surrounded by glass, think of window images to promote your business or window frosting that will help minimise your heating/cooling energy consumption. Saving your pocket and your planet.

3. Consider updating any old internal lightboxes. The latest designs not only offer a beautiful slimline, modern design they also use LED lighting which is longer lasting, contains no mercury and doesn’t overheat. Talk about energy efficiency!

4. When updating any of your print materials like business cards and brochures, insist on recycled materials or at the very least renewable source paper. The options today are endless and the cost is little more than regular printing. If your printer doesn’t offer this or it seems to cost the earth – shop around or it really will ‘cost the earth’! Choose soy-based inks, you won’t be able to notice the difference but the planet will. Feel free to advertise your recycled materials and eco inks on your cards and brochures too. Statistics prove, if given a choice, customers will choose eco aware companies over ordinary companies. So think green and attract more clients!

5. Insist on environmentally friendly products. It sounds simple doesn’t it?! But demand equals supply. Our demand on suppliers also contributes to what we can offer. So instead of seeing eco as an ‘option’ – expect it in everything you do. Go green and preserve our future.

So start your eco-friendly signage design today and rest assured that we are all doing our bit to contribute to a better planet and a better future. What a great way to start the new year. 

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