
Have you Forgotten About Termite Protection?

In a year where water damage, flooding and cyclones has been a major concern of risk and loss, the pest industry is asking, resorts and large body corporate properties ‘have you forgotten about the good old termite?’

A yearly inspection by a pest professional and an audit of your properties termite protection system should be on the yearly agenda.

It is a fact that termites thrive in hot and wet areas, which puts coastal Australian properties at great risk, especially this year with another wet and warm summer on the way.

If you think this does not concern your property because it’s constructed of concrete and steel think again. Would your guests like to come across a termite infestation when opening a window or gasp when they have entered your property through a air-conditioning system. It happens – termites will enter all types of structures and attack any cellulose material causing major damage, even if the property is lucky enough to evade destructive consumption of its structural elements; costly clean ups would be required.

Termite management systems are intended to minimise the risk of termite damage to a property. While they will not always stop termite activity, a well maintained system and vigilance by six-monthly or yearly (dependant on history) termite inspections will minimise risk and loss.

Remember your property is unlikely to be insured for termites. So the question begs, ‘is there an adequate termite management system installed at your property?’

If areas of your infrastructure are not adequately protected, retrofitting a termite reticulation system may be the answer.

What is a termite reticulation system? The answer is quite simple – a system of installed pipes around the perimeter or sections of infrastructure that is injected with chemical Termicide. The only maintenance these systems require, unless an object strikes the underground pipes or is flood effected, is an injection/replenishment of the chemical Termicide approximately every three to five years.

A reticulation system ensures an even distribution of chemical Termicide and aids the pest professional to be able to deliver an effective treatment reducing time and cost in the long term. Old methods of delivering chemical Termicide to a site were to disturb the ground and dig trenches each time the life of an installed chemical Termicide expired.

Reticulation allows you to directly apply Termicide into the underground soil where it is most needed to provide maximum protection against possible termite attack.

Reticulation system injection/ replenishment can easily be managed by your pest control manager and added into your infrastructure maintenance program. Reticulations systems are often chosen as an affordable alternative to other termite protection systems such as physical barriers, pipe penetrations and membranes that were not installed during construction.

The pest control industry can assist you to answer your termite protection system questions and offer suggestions to protect your property more thoroughly.

Do you know enough about your assets’ termite protection?

If not make it a point to find out.

Janelle Broad

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