
Resort Plan for Great Ocean Road

As part of a massive plan to boost the Great Ocean Road’s economic development, farmland will be targeted for resort-style hotels, nature-based tourism accommodation and other tourism facilities in a proposal by Corangamite Shire Council to the Baillieu government.

The government approval is being sought to rezone about 1155ha of land across 20 sites to allow for more tourism accommodation.

Sites include 50ha west of Port Campbell slated for a four to five star resort-style hotel. Other areas include sites near Peterborough, Skipton, Mount Elephant, Mount Widderin Caves, Timboon, Princetown East and Moonlight West. Buildings would only be allowed on 90ha of the land rezoned.

Corangamite mayor Matt Makin said the council wanted tourists to make a greater contribution to the local economy. “For us this planning scheme amendment is all about economic development and addressing the appalling low yield that the region receives from what is the third most visited tourist site in the nation,” he said.

“The visual impact of these sites on the Great Ocean Road in particular is next to non-existent,” he said.

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