Decmil gets Port Hedland contract
Decmil Group Limited has announced that its wholly-owned subsidiary, Decmil Australia, has won a significant contract to design an accommodation village for BHP Billiton in Port Hedland, Western Australia.
The Early Contractor Involvement includes design of the village and procurement of long lead items to the value of $94 million. Decmil has commenced design work and is in the process of securing various long-lead items required for the new village including accommodation units and kitchens.
Decmil’s managing director Scott Criddle said, “We are delighted to strengthen our relationship with BHP Billiton through this project. Decmil has carried out a number of projects for BHP Billiton in the Pilbara region over recent years, including the Port Haven Village we completed in 2010, and the design and construction of the Warrawandu Village which we are expecting to complete later this year.” “The Group remains in a very strong position, and we are continuing to see increasing demand from the resources sector as major projects take shape,” Mr Criddle said.

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