
Ain’t Life Strange

I’ve often thought that, like the expiry dates in management and letting agreements and motel leases, it might be very convenient to know well in advance the exact date of one’s eventual passing.

Rather than simply toiling through life, nose to the grindstone, shoulder to the wheel, cheque to the tax man and then one day unexpectedly dropping off the twig, imagine the possibilities of an expiry date on your birth certificate. No more uncertain planning for retirement, no more insurance companies ripping you off and justifying said rip off in terms of an unpredictable life expectancy.

Governments would be better able to budget and plan and, provided the expiry date was made public, we punters would be predisposed to put up with our more idiotic politicians (or whole parties in the case of the Greens) knowing the ultimate exit stage left was on the not too distant horizon. I should stress that I wish no physical ill will on anyone, in fact if I knew that someone I detested was going to meet his maker at a pre-determined moment I think I would find myself much more pleasantly disposed to that person.

Of course, having such an arrangement with the Almighty should not be modelled too closely on the afore mentioned management and letting agreements. I guess the duties might read a bit like the Ten Commandments (what’s that you say , they already do) but I’d be more than a little miffed if I missed a term option take up date. Committee meetings would be a decidedly heavenly event (just like they are now) and hopefully you would not have a bunch a ratbags trying to have your life expectancy reduced to three years after you’d made plans to live a long and happy life right through to the original expiry date.

Do you think you’d saviour and enjoy life more? Maybe take a few risks, chance your hand? I’m darn sure I would!

Thing is, we are all so terrified of retiring with insufficient capital to carry us into advanced old age or, even worse, making a late life investment that goes south (come on down, Storm Financial) that many of us are almost doing an impersonation of a rabbit in the headlights. Even small risks well rewarded can add a bit of sometimes unexpected spark to life.

Take the example of the second born. Goes to a Great Barrier Reef island on a promise of career opportunities, training and advancement. Mum and Dad pretty pleased to see the lovely, if somewhat motivation challenged Rebecca embark on this adventure. Turns out all was not as expected. I will defend an employer’s right to hire and fire to my last breathe provided due process is followed. However, it turns out these island resorts have a pretty slap dash approach to HR management that seems to involve encouraging kids to apply for jobs that only exist when things are busy. They seem to have very different interpretation of training and support and pretty quickly anyone who suggests that things are not as they should be is on the outer.

Before we know it Bec’s on the skinny dog back to Noosa. What to do? I need an administration assistant, she’s unemployed, let’s give it a run. What a revelation! Eager to learn, pretty good people skills and not badly organised from the get go. Seems to get things quickly which shouldn’t really be a surprise given all she’s heard out of my mouth for the 19 years of her life so far is banking, finance, motels and management rights. But here’s the thing, why didn’t I put her on when I started needing support 12 months ago? The answer is both complex and ultimately very simple. I didn’t want to take the risk. What if she was not suited to this type of work and it impacted the business? What if we ended up hating each other even more than most teenagers and their parents? Hasn’t happened so far, in fact our relationship is stronger and more positive than ever.

I guess in the back of my head I’ve always had it in mind to try and have the kids involved in the business but plenty of time for that I always thought. Seems a shame to build something up and then have it simply end once that ultimate expiry rolls around. Call it divine intervention or just a strange co-incidence but I got a bit crook a little while back. Ended up in hospital where I am in fact writing this article in my room while in recovery. Bec has stepped up and done a pretty good job for a young lady still in the very early stages of her training. I know many of you in the industry gave her a hand and for that I am extremely grateful. She tells me that from what she has seen this past week I must work pretty hard for a pen pusher.

Anyway, let’s welcome the new apprentice to this wonderful industry and wish her all the best. Otherwise I’ll never get out of the office!

PS: A mate of mine who could rightly be called an industry icon is going through a much more serious struggle. Our thoughts and prayers are with him and his family at this challenging time.

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