Guest Facilities

Guest & Luggage Transport

With customer service being the main focus and priority for major resorts and other larger accommodation facilities to consider these days, we are seeing a greater increase in the amount of vehicles being purchased by various resorts, holiday villages, caravan parks and retirement communities to cater for their guests and luggage transportation requirements.

Workplace health and safety for the facility staff are also bearing major consideration in the decision making process.

With so many different brand names available in the market place today for electric and petrol golf car style vehicles it is very difficult to decide exactly what vehicle is right for you. Hopefully this information will make your next vehicle purchase a lot easier.

Besides the standard golf cars that everyone is aware of, there are so many various types of electric and petrol vehicles now available to choose from that you really do need to do adequate research before making a hasty purchase. Types of vehicles, applications and things to consider when selecting a cart include:

• Shuttle vehicles – also known as people movers, come in multi 2, 4, 6 and 8 seat configurations. Some shuttles even come with small utility trays mounted on the rear of the vehicle for carry luggage.
• Utility vehicles – again there are various styles and sizes all with different carrying, towing capacities, and features which are suitable for all types of applications, the most popular being ground maintenance.
• Industrial vehicles – heavy duty construction designed to take the heaviest of payloads
• 4 x 4 vehicles – when the going gets rough don’t try and short cut by using a standard two-wheel drive vehicle. They are not designed for that abuse. Look into getting yourself a 4 x 4.
• Custom made vehicles – if there is something in particular you want a vehicle to do and you can’t find a vehicle suitable for your application don’t be afraid to ask for a quote to have something custom made. There are very few applications that electric vehicles can’t satisfy.

Recently our company was approached by a large holiday resort and also a contract cleaning company. Both had particular vehicle requirements in mind. The photos show the three different custom fabricated housekeeping/linen boxes which we mounted onto various vehicles for the holiday resorts and cleaning contractors.

The applications that electric and petrol vehicles are being used for in Australia these days are endless, particularly within the accommodation industry. These include:

• Shuttles or people movers – ferrying multiple passengers and their luggage around your facilities.
• Housekeeping, laundry, linen vehicles – Housekeeping staff can now carry so much more than what your standard push/pull along trolleys can carry that you are using now.
• Hot and cold food and beverage vehicles – great for use by room service in large area holiday resorts.
• Utility vehicles – whether it is a tilt tray, flat tray, or something custom made, your ground staff, cleaners, maintenance personnel, rubbish removalists, even the concierge, will get so much benefit from even the simplest of utilities. The use for utilities in the accommodation industry is endless.

Not all vehicles or vehicle brands are the same. There are many variables to consider when purchasing, particularly if you are looking at an electric vehicle. This list will give you a good head start of the main items to take into consideration before purchasing an electric vehicle.

• Voltage – most of the standard electric vehicles available in Australia are either 36 or 48 volt.
• Motors – the motor sizes do vary from brand to brand, vehicle to vehicle and model to model, even amongst the top three vehicle suppliers. Motor sizes can range from 3.5Hp up to 22Hp.
• Braking – most vehicles operate rear drum brakes as a standard feature. Hydraulic disk brakes are available on some brands and these are highly recommended. Particularly if carrying passengers or extra payloads.
• Lighting – a lighting package is standard on some brand vehicles and optional on others.
• Warranty – the standard warranty period is two years but, again, this can vary from brand to brand.

Price versus quality?

Historically the golf car market has been dominated by three premium brands (E-z-go, Club Car and Yamaha) all of which are manufactured in the USA. The recent invasion into Australia of an ever increasing number of various alternative brand name electric and petrol vehicles that are all being manufactured in different locations around the world has seen the introduction of cheaper priced vehicles.

Cheaper prices are great news if you are simply a private buyer looking for a brand new golf car to use two-three times per week for what is realistically speaking a second-hand vehicle price. Don’t get me wrong these alternative brand cars are good. But they are only as good as the quality of the parts and the workmanship that has gone into building them.

But what if your business reputation and your guest’s happiness and safety depend on these vehicles?

Is cheaper a better option? Let’s see.

You have a brand new vehicle that has just saved you thousands of dollars compared to the premium branded option. Hopefully you won’t run into any breakdown issues, the key word is hopefully. When you do have problems with your alternative brand vehicle will spare parts be readily available? Who is going to service it? Chances are you will have to wait for spare parts to be ordered and shipped into the country. However, if you are lucky and the company carries a full stock of parts you then only have the worry of finding someone locally who can do the repairs and servicing.

At the end of the day the known premium brand names might not be the cheapest in price but they are all priced relatively close together. However they all offer the same level of high quality vehicles, quality parts, quality backup servicing, warranty, and in most cases dealer networks Australia wide. As the old saying goes “You do get what you pay for”.

Another important aspect in choosing the right vehicle is trade and resale values. At present there is no resale market for the alternative branded vehicles. Practice has proven that the premium brands hold their value and have also made it known that they all have no fixed policy for trading in of the alternative brands. This means money can be saved upfront when choosing to buy an alternative brand but no doubt money will be lost when the time comes to replace.

In summarising, you wouldn’t buy a new car on price alone or without first shopping around. Quality equates to safety and performance. The vehicles that your clientele see being used at your facilities reflect directly on the facility itself. At the end of the day you have to determine how important the safety is, wellbeing and happiness of your staff and clients as opposed to your hip pocket? Because the wrong decision when purchasing could end up costing you more in the long run than the money you initially saved on the purchase.

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