
Printing that won’t cost the Earth

Every resort, accommodation, theme park, tourist attraction and restaurant knows the value of printing.

A flyer can introduce you to the world and bring dollars through your door. But what is the real cost?

If business cards, flyers, brochures and magazines are not used effectively, you are wasting money, time and resources. But in today’s ever changing business world we have choices and solutions to suit our every need. Now more than ever it is important to get your business message across and be seen. Choose the right medium for your company.

• Business cards are essential no matter who you are. Business cards are simply one of the best tools in business.

• Flyers are suitable for any business that wants to offer clients information to take home with them. Please note: Use both sides and get real value for money. I
guarantee the majority of people will turn the paper over to see if there’s any more, so use it. It costs but a few more dollars and is worth every penny for you to add extra info or images to make your business more memorable.

• Brochures really make a statement to set you above the rest. If your company has many features, services or wants to impress, a two or four page brochure is your business solution.

• Magazines have dominated our conscious thoughts for centuries. They tell us what to buy, what to wear, and what to think. They also educate and open our life to information and services that let us see more of the world or simplify our lives. If you are a major resort, you will be producing these monthly. Featuring shows, restaurants and events in and around your establishment. Magazines are taken home, passed around and read through at leisure. The better they are the more heads they turn.

• Posters and light box images are a cost effective way to promote special events, services, advertise or educate. With different stock papers, gloss and custom finishing options they can be used for short stints or interchanged and reused time and again.

The world of printing has opened up to every size business. Short-run digital and off-set printing has become more affordable with brilliant image quality. The technology is light years ahead with some of our machines printing life like images of giraffes for telecommunications companies with pristine colour and impeccable printing quality.

However we must be conscious of the impact we are having on the planet. You now have a huge choice of eco friendly options to cater to your business needs. Most promotional material is available using recycled materials or chemical free inks and gloss. The quality is second to none and you are making an informed decision about your company. Why not make the most of it and add eco to part of your appeal? It has been proven that people will purchase one product over another if the company supports a cause. And it makes us feel all warm and fuzzy to do something nice for our planet. In fact, Conservatree suggests that one ton of office and printing paper may require up to 24 trees. Recycling is the way to keep our future.

The year is moving quickly already, so start your ordering for printing products today. Easter is around the corner, how are you going to make the most of this peak holiday season?

• Consider what your business cards, flyers, brochures and magazines say about your business. A friend recently canceled a meeting with a lawyer due to the brochure he handed her. If phone numbers or details are wrong – update them today. You would be horrified to see some flyers people bring in. Liquid papered out or worse, scribbled out prices or names… is this the sort of message you want to send your clients? Get them designed professionally and printed on good quality paper. Make the message memorable. Make the images enticing and interesting. Show them why they should use your business today.

• Order enough stock. Take into account what they are to be used for. If it is a one-off promotion order a short run. If you can use them in-house, in off-premise displays or mail outs, order a bulk amount and save money and time. Think of the many ways to use your flyers. Brochures or magazines can be sent to previous clients in a mail out promotion, hand them out at a tradeshow or organise them to be a part of corporate gift bags to advertise special events or services. Cross promote with a local business or restaurant and have a DL flyer placed in their outgoing invoices. Flyers are a great marketing tool, don’t let them collect dust in your cupboard or go out of date!

• And respect your impact on the planet. Think eco-friendly papers, vegetable based inks and always recycle your paper products.

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