Reject more taxes – airlines’ plea
Airlines for America, the industry trade organisation for the leading US airlines, issued a statement urging members of Congress to reject any new taxes or fee increases on airline passengers under consideration in the Omnibus Appropriations Bill.
The statement says, “Congress cannot continue to solve its spending problems on the backs of airline passengers”
Congress is considering a 30 per cent increase in the immigration user fee paid by airline passengers on international flights to the United States as part of the FY 2014 omnibus appropriations package. The proposed hike, which would increase that fee from $7 to $9, comes just weeks after Congress passed a budget agreement that more than doubled the Transportation Security Administration passenger security tax, costing airline passengers $1 billion annually. Beginning in July, that tax jumps from $2.50 per flight segment to $5.60 per one-way trip, and the revenue generated from the higher fee will be used to reduce the federal deficit, not enhance security.
“Congress cannot continue to solve its spending problems on the backs of airline passengers,” said A4A President and CEO Nicholas E Calio. “The government must stop using airlines and their passengers as its own personal ATM whenever it needs more money. Higher taxes are a lose-lose for airlines, passengers, jobs and our overall economy, and we urge all Members of Congress to oppose raising the immigration fee, further burdening airline passengers who are already paying more than their fair share.”
While DHS provides immigration services to all gateways to the US, airline passengers pay the most to enter the country, while those who enter by rail, bus, car or on foot pay nothing. Last year, airline passengers paid $672 million in immigration fees, which covers nearly 95 per cent of total DHS immigration service costs.
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