Stars – three year cycle confirmed
A new three-year property review cycle has been confirmed for the Star Rating scheme in Australia.
According to Star Ratings Australia’s GM Damien Hanger, the decision was made following a comprehensive review of operations and after extensive consultation with licensees and peak industry bodies.
“Our decision to extend the review cycle supports industry best practice such as a three-five year cycle for ‘soft’ refurbishments and a seven-ten year cycle for ‘hard’ refurbishments,” he said. “It also reflects the policies we have had in place since the launch of the new quality-based scheme in 2011 and which involve allowances and dispensations that recognise capital works programs that extend beyond 12 months.”
Under previous management Star Rating property visits were scheduled every 18 months. However, this timeframe was reduced to every 12 months following the launch of the quality-based criteria in 2011. This cycle was simply unrealistic for commercial accommodation operators and did not allow enough time to effectively plan, negotiate costs and access finance, and to then carry out the work required.
“A three-year cycle increases our ability to identify areas for improvement, as well as maintenance or condition issues and to support efforts to maintain quality standards,” he added. “We can also rely on proven consumer complaint procedures as well as our plans to incorporate consumer ratings and reviews to ensure the integrity of the scheme for licensees and travellers alike.”
Under the new review cycle licensees will retain their Star Rating for three years while continuing to receive annual benefits that lift awareness of the scheme and those operators willing to hold themselves to independent quality standards.
Promoting the “stars” is at the heart of the new direction and a $1 million annual marketing budget will be supported by a makeover of the stars website and free property listings on a new search engine platform. Licensees will benefit from a Club Member Travel Survey that is representative of more than 5.5 million Australian households. Management will also work with industry to incorporate consumer ratings and reviews into the scheme.