
$8b target for SA tourism plan

A new tourism plan for South Australia reaffirms the state government’s ambition to build an $8 billion tourism industry by 2020.

The South Australian Tourism Plan 2020 outlines the priorities and goals for tourism, and has been developed with extensive industry consultation. Tourism minister Leon Bignell said a strong and vital tourism sector was vital to the state’s economic future.

“For the year to March 2014, tourism generated $5.2 billion in expenditure for the State’s economy, a 7.2 per cent increase on the previous year,” he said. “Tourism directly employs 31,000 South Australians, which is three times the number of people employed in the mining industry in our state. A further 23,000 South Australians are also employed indirectly.

“Achieving our goal of a tourism industry worth $8 billion by 2020 will generate a further 10,000 jobs across our regions.

“The new tourism plan has had input from all sections of our tourism industry in every region, and takes into consideration all aspects of tourism in South Australia – from solo tourism operators to major businesses and all levels of government.

Minister Bignell said South Australia’s tourism focus in coming years would be on increasing the number of visitors from traditional markets such as the UK, the US and New Zealand, as well as from emerging markets like China and India. “We’ll also continue to increase visitors from interstate, and encourage more South Australians to rediscover their own backyard,” he said.

“This is a very exciting time for tourism in South Australia, with many new opportunities to increase visitors.

“The new Adelaide Oval, the convention centre redevelopment, and changes to small bar licencing laws have all had a positive impact and given Adelaide a new vibrancy, which is encouraging more people to visit and spend time in our regions while they’re here.

“The state government also recognises the value of major events and festivals, and we’re keen to take advantage of the new $6 million Major Events Bid Fund to attract more big events, especially in our regions and outside the peak festival season.

“We are committed to working with the private sector to build a sustainable and profitable tourism industry. Working in partnership with all sectors of the tourism industry will help us achieve the targets set out in the new tourism plan,” he said.

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