Holiday Statistics
1 in 20 go on five long holidays a year
Life’s a beach (or a mountain, forest or megalopolis) for the nearly one million Australians (14+) going on at least five holidays of three or more nights in an average year, the latest Holiday Tracking Data from Roy Morgan Research shows.
In the year to August 2014, 55.5% of Australians went on at least one trip of three or more nights in the previous 12 months. 1 in 4 of us went on just one holiday (25.8%), 1 in 7 went on two (14.3%), 1 in 10 went on three or four (9.9%), and a lucky select few, 1 in 20, went on five or more separate holidays (5.0%).
Proportion of Australians taking trips of 3+ nights during the year
Source: Roy Morgan Single Source, September 2013 – August 2014, sample =16,253 Australians 14+
So who are these lucky frequent travellers?
Looking at a rough life cycle of living arrangements, we can see a consistent decline in the proportion of people going on five or more trips as they grow up: from 5.7% of those who live with their parents, 5.1% of those living in a shared household, 4.6% of people living alone, 4.3% of people living with a partner but no kids, down to just 3.9% of Aussies living with a partner and kids.
But once the kids are gone, hello world! Empty nester couples are 46% more likely than the average Australian to have been on five or more trips of 3+ nights during the past 12 months (7.3%).
Proportion going on five or more holidays of 3+ nights by Living Arrangement:
Source: Roy Morgan Single Source, September 2013 – August 2014, sample =16,253 Australians 14+.
Angela Smith, group account director – consumer products, Roy Morgan Research, says, “When we ask Australians about their last long trip of three or more nights, their average trip length is around two weeks. People going on five such trips would be spending around 20% of their year on holidays—and that doesn’t even include short trips of one or two nights.
“Clearly, retirees with paid-off homes, no kids at home and healthy savings and superannuation balances are in a better position than those of us with jobs, mortgages and kids to travel more frequently and for longer periods.
“Roy Morgan’s Holiday Tracking data gives tourism companies and government agencies a comprehensive insight into which Australians are planning to travel soon, where they’re going, what they plan to do and how much they’ll spend.”