
Choice Hotels unveils new brand identity

The new Choice Hotels Asia-Pac has announced a new direction at its annual conference.

The new brand claims it allows the company to differentiate itself from the rest of the market by creating an environment that encourages people to connect with other people more often and more easily.

Trent Fraser, Choice’s Hotels Asia-Pac Chief Executive Officer, is excited to launch the new brand in this region after two years of research and development by Choice Hotels International.

“This new brand is all about encouraging less online and virtual interaction and more face to face connections, and for our business guests our brand is about people pressing palms instead of always pressing send,” Fraser said.

General Manager of Marketing, Matt Taylor said, “Most hotel companies have traditionally focused on promoting beautiful destinations, but what we’ve realised is that people don’t just travel to visit a destination, they travel to connect with other people.”

“This new direction focuses on the reasons why each guest is travelling in the first place and why we are an important part of that experience. Our new tag line – You Always have a Choice, is the epitome of this and will form the basis of the new brand voice,” Taylor said.

Trent Fraser said, “Visually the new identity is more appealing to a larger variety of customer segments and as we head into the future, research has told us that the new face of our customers – the Millennials, will strongly connect with this new brand.”

The launch of the new brand will be supported with an integrated marketing approach, with the company launching a series of new TVCs and online videos, new strategic partnerships, and focus on digital and social media.

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