A visual guide to changes in direct bookings
Over the past few years, hotels have experienced an apparent change in direct and on-site bookings due to a number of factors. While the number people who are researching and booking online has sky-rocketed, the amount of competition and alternative services available has also increased.
Understanding the key factors in competition, search, and the new age of technology, can better prepare hotels for what is happening in the industry. Spring Metrics Data has created a new infographic to this end, which can be seen below or larger via this link.
The primary change in competition within the online space has become a complicated process. If you asked a hotelier, even just a few years ago, what stood in the way of their growth, they’d respond with marketing, sales, and a competitive edge over other hotels. Today, hotels need all those things- and much more. The focus has shifted from getting travellers to book your hotel, to getting travellers to book directly through your hotel.
The change in competition has also impacted the method with which people search for hotels. The amount of time and resources a consumer puts into travel can sometimes be under-analysed. By understanding the method by which travellers search, hotel marketers can gain better insight into what customers want.

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