
What’s hot in fabrics

Selecting fabrics during a refurbishment is vital to the outcome of the project, here are five fantastic fabric and upholstery trends for 2015:

1. Eco Fabrics – With more guests becoming environmentally aware, a major trend this year has been the use of low-impact, more sustainable interior design choices. For optimum sustainability, a full lifecycle analysis should be completed when furnishing a property.

AMG52-Fabric trends-1960s theme- 3-Dollarphotoclub 29619363This means recognising the cradle-to-grave impact of purchasing and installing fixtures, fittings and equipment, as well as sourcing (cradle) and disposing of (grave) the raw materials.

Remember that eco-conscious products might cost more up-front but they are a sustainable investment that almost always pays-off in the long run.

• Choose eco-fabrics that use natural and locally resourced fabrics where possible; eco/green fabrics, luxury chenille constructions, heavy duty fabrics that are washable, colour fast and fire retardant.
• Let energy-efficiency be at the heart of your interior design: use heavy insulated curtains that keep the cold and sun out and make heavier fabric choices for window coverings. A 2008 study by the Caledonian Glasgow University showed that a heavy pair of curtains reduces heat loss through the window by 14 per cent.
• Reclaim, recyle and reuse: opt for products that include reclaimed or recycled materials.
• Upcycling: encourage creative designs that can incorporate the reuse of your existing furnishings or fabrics, for instance cushions created from vintage fabrics.
• Do not forget the aesthetic: create sustainability without compromising the look.

AMG52-Fabric trends -Vintage outside in - 2-Dollarphotoclub 254523552. Create a home-away-from-home – This industry adapts remarkably well to social change and in response to the increased use of Airbnb type accommodations where consumers appear to crave a home-away-from-home rather than an escape.

Mary Lakzy, interior designer at Comelite Architect & Structure writes in a Linkedin post entitled, A home away from home – fastest trends in hotel interior design: “No longer is the classic bed-table-locker combo enough to make a hotel room feel inviting. In today’s world guests expect surprises and where else, but away from home. Probably why each interior in the modern hospitality industry is very different from the next.”

• Create a twist on the standard guest room – trend towards more homely, eclectic and individual designs, easily-achieved with the clever use of upholstery and fabric.
• Personalise and individualise spaces – make sure every guest has a memorable stay and every experience is unique, consider themed guest rooms.

AMG52-Fabric trends- inside out 4-Dollarphotoclub 622874553. Bring the outside in – Modern interior design incorporates the use of reclaimed rustic wood and natural materials that reflect the local environment.

• Bring natural elements into your room: natural colours, organic shapes and rich textures that represent a contemporary eco-friendly feeling in your design.
• Use unique blends of pattern and texture to create a fusion of styles.
• Bring the outdoors in, using patterns and colours that reflect the local environment. For instance, use tropical or indigenous inspired fabrics and art in a coastal properties or create an industrial/street art inspired look in a city property.

4. Create a signature look for your property – “The new trend will be the signature look where exclusive designs and colours can be created for properties,” predicts Erin Coman-Beckett, the design director at HotelHome Australia. Fabrics, when selected correctly can so easily create an instant wow factor, sense of comfort and the feeling of quality into any accommodation space.

AMG52-HOTELHOME 2-Concha SIlverGray RunnerAccording to Ms Coman-Beckett, properties are already becoming more confident with using fabrics and are starting to install feature fabrics in luxurious high quality finishes using bold patterns, monochrome geometrics and highly textured plains.

“A trend we are already seeing is the selection of higher quality, heavy duty fabrics being selected by professional interior designers, FF+E operators and property management these fabrics are being used everywhere throughout the property from the foyer and are carried into the rooms and suites to create a real sense of style and signature look for the property.

“Use patterns and designs that are daring and give a real point of difference, designs that guests will recognise a property from the fabrics and furnishings,” she says.

5. Colour me perfect – Many psychological studies show that clever colour choices can affect the mood of your guests. When the human eye is focused on a colour hormones are discharged generating various responses, depending on the colour. ScienceDaily online reports on research by the University of British Columbia, stating that a debate has been reconciled: “A debate that has long raged among marketers and psychologists: What colour most improves brain performance and receptivity to advertising, red or blue? It turns out they both can, it just depends on the nature of the task or message. The study, which could have major implications for advertising and interior design, finds that red is the most effective at enhancing our attention to detail, while blue is best at boosting our ability to think creatively.”

Remarkably, the colours you choose for your property can affect the behaviour of your guests.

AMG52-HOTELHOME 11-scopeCarnival Angulated-05• Choose earthy shades and tones to promote warmth and restfulness in your guest room but include more organic tones in silver, gold, bronze and copper for modern luxury.
• Guests love fresh and clean colours that include navy blue, muted citrus, aquas and turquoise. Invigorate and stimulate your guests by using fashionable sorbet and pastel colours.
• Designs in monochrome; black and white are the choice if you want to create the biggest impact according to Ms Coman-Beckett. She says, “Pansy purple is the new black!”
• If you want to impress and be remembered, go for geometric designs in two toned, monochrome and multi coloured combinations.
• Large botanical designs that feature stylised leaves and abstract florals are calming and continue the outside in theme.
• Use influences from indigenous artwork.

Always remember to insist on quality – always ensure that your fabrics are made for the job. This is not a trend: you should never settle for less than the highest industry standard.


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