
One roof leak could soak up thousands for hotels this storm season, warns R&BS

As Queensland heads into its summer storm season, the Roof & Building Service (R&BS) director Scott Jensen said leaks were often seen as small problems but it doesn’t take much for them to turn into gushing streams during heavy rain.

“Unfortunately once water gets in it becomes about repair and damage control,” he said.  “The costs quickly add up to thousands when all is said and done.

“Often inspections and maintenance that would have cost a few hundred dollars go unchecked and the result is repair bills well into the thousands,” Scott said.

Mr Jensen suggested one small leak could result in:

  • $2000+ in roof repairs
  • $1000+ to repair interiors e.g. walls, ceilings and carpet
  • $2282 in lost revenue for one hotel room for two weeks, based on the average nightly hotel price in Brisbane for 2015 of $163 as per com Hotel Price Index 2015
  • $2000+ for furniture loss/damage

“That’s at least $7000 per leak assuming it is dealt with swiftly and the repairs don’t uncover more issues as the result of water penetration or the lack of regular maintenance,” Mr Jensen said.

“This also assumes you’re aware of the leak, if not ongoing rain can worsen the problem and lead to health and safety issues like mould or structural damage.”

Some of the indicators you need a roof condition report include: broken tiles or slates; loose cladding; flashing that has lifted; corrosion of iron sheet roofing; concrete roof membrane damage; or blocked/corroded roof guttering and drainage.

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