
Australia grows faster than international giants

Australian tourism rates have risen significantly faster than those of the UK and US to 2016, new figures show.

Data collected by holiday specialist Austravel reveal Australia’s tourism industry in boom mode, with the country boasting well over eight million visitors in 2016, a 37 percent increase from 2012.

Australian tourism growth rates trumped those of industrial giants the UK and US over the same four-year period, with the UK seeing an increase of 21% and the US just 2 percent compared with Australia’s 37 percent rise.

Australia saw the biggest increase in the category of personal holidays, with a 45 percent leap. There were 6,637,000 holidays taken for either leisure or recreation in 2016, in comparison to 4,577,000 in 2012.

Business travel also saw an increase, with a 12 percent rise in those visiting for business purposes across the four years.

The Austravel research showed that while Australian visitor arrival numbers were still dwarfed by those of its giant counterparts, our percentage of inbound flights rose faster than those of the US and UK.

North America saw almost 45.5 million flights touch down on home soil – an increase of 24 percent – and the UK recorded 27.8 million – up 23 percent over four years.

As the minnow in the pool, Australia saw inbound flights hit a lowly 8.2 million, but that figure equates to an increase of 36 percent.

Figures released by federal tourism minister Steve Ciobo show international tourism brought in $41.3 billion in the 12 months to December 2017.

“This is a bit of a Golden Age right now in tourism,” the minister said of Australia’s visitor surge.

“The dollar’s down, numbers are up, spending is up and length of stay is up. So if you’re in the tourism industry, you should be seeing those results.”

Tourism is growing faster than most other industry sectors, with overseas paying customers supporting an estimated 100,000 Australian jobs.

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