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Gold Coast CEC to host 2022 Logies

Australian television’s night of nights back after two years

The Gold Coast Convention and Exhibition Centre (GCCEC) has been announced as the venue for the 62nd TV WEEK Logie Awards.

Taking place after a two-year hiatus, this is the third time the event, to be broadcast nationally on Sunday, June 19, has been held in the Sunshine State.

Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk said the return of the Logies was a major milestone in the recovery of Australia’s burgeoning screen sector.

 “Queensland is the home of the screen industry in Australia,” the Premier said. “It’s great to have the Logies back on the Gold Coast in 2022 – I can’t imagine the Logies being anywhere else.”

The Star Gold Coast, COO Jessica Mellor said the event was both a celebration of the best of Australian television and the Gold Coast and The Star precinct and all that it has to offer.

Meanwhile, an excited Gold Coast Mayor, Tom Tate who said he couldn’t wait to catch up with the TV stars and remind them how exciting the Gold Coast is, has likened the Gold Coast’s hosting of the event to a Simon and Garfunkel song.

“Like that great Simon and Garfunkel classic, the Logies are homeward bound and back where they belong,” he said.

Nine Queensland and Nine Northern NSW managing director, Kylie Blucher, said the TV channel was delighted to have the return of the TV WEEK Logie Awards on the horizon again for what is shaping up to be a bigger and better event in celebration of Australia’s hard-working television industry.”

“After a rough start to the year for Queensland it’s a great opportunity for us to come together while at the same time showcasing the Gold Coast and our wonderful state,” she said.

Major Events Gold Coast also proudly supports the TV WEEK Logies Awards.

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