
PEHN Seminar Checks Out Bed Bug Controls

PEHN continues to assist housekeepers in keeping up to date with current issues by finding a specialist to address them.

A prevailing issue that is a concern worldwide is a pest that makes us all itch just talking about it, bed bugs, which we can almost call travel bugs as they get into the hotels by travelling with our guests.

On 21 March at the Spring Street Conference Centre, Maureen Koegel from Sleep Tight Services was invited to present to PEHN members and friends a bed bug detection weapon that impressed all in attendance – her beagle Chloe who is trained to detect bed bugs not to mention keep quiet inside her transport container that is ideal for discreet travel within the hotel.

Maureen’s goal was to educate staff and she started her presentation with information about these pests, effective elimination processes, prevention and the code of practice that can be found in The group was delighted when she demonstrated the effectiveness of using the beagle in detecting the presence of the bugs that were thankfully contained in a cylinder in a bucket. Chloe successfully found the bed bugs and signalled this by sitting next to the correct bucket. Maureen is happy to visit hotels and give a free demonstration.


This was then followed by a short information session by Tony Abrahams an inventor from Bed Bug Barrier, who presented PEHN members with some products to prevent bed bugs accessing the bed in a form of valance encasement and caster barrier that he advises to use in conjunction with bed bug killer powder.

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