PEHN presents mini housekeeping trade show
The Professional Executive Housekeeper’s Network is presenting a mini trade show/supplier night for both members and interested industry associates in Melbourne this month.
This is a fantastic, well-supported annual event where suppliers to the accommodation industry, particularly to housekeeping departments, get a chance to showcase their products and services, educate and mingle with the executive housekeepers and staff. General managers and purchasing officers are always welcome attendees as well.
In the past, PEHN’s associates and partner suppliers, whose products, range from chemicals, cleaning products, uniforms, white goods, small electronic devices, beds, towels, linen, chocolates, cookies, present their goods in a friendly and intimate environment.
PEHN intends that this event will get better each time and this year will be held at the Crown Promenade Hotel, Level 1, 8 Whiteman Street Southbank on 25 July 2012 to start at 5.00pm.
Please RSVP by no later than 4pm 16 July.
Email [email protected] or send the form attached to the Accomnews newsletter (and your cheque if not a member to): PO Box 200 Market Street, South Melbourne VIC 3205
Members are free while non members pay just $35.
Please RSVP by no later than 4pm 16 July to [email protected]
Click here to download a PDF Registration Form

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