Grants available to boost SA’s events calendar
South Australia tourism minister Leon Bignell has called for applications for the 2013-14 Regional Events and Festivals Program.
The South Australian Tourism Commission funding program provides financial and marketing support to events and festivals that help lift a region’s profile interstate through its events arm, Events South Australia.
Mr Bignell said the Regional Events and Festivals Program was recognition of the importance of events in drawing visitors to a region. “South Australia is known for its vibrant events calendar and this grant program demonstrates the SATC’s desire to keep its offering of events and festivals fresh and diverse.”
Within the Regional Events and Festivals Program also sits the Community Events
Development Fund, which is aimed at growing smaller, more community-based events.
“Under this fund, events are able to apply for grants of up to $5000. There is no cap for events seeking funding under the Regional Events and Festivals Program. Events South Australia has been working with regions to help identify key events that will strengthen the regions’ tourism appeal and this is backed up with the funding program.”
Last year’s Regional Events and Festivals Program supported 26 events, with a total of $363,000 awarded across the state.
Applications close 28 March.

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