
Australia’s love-affair with caravanning and camping

Australians are known for their laid-back attitudes and love of the great outdoors, so it’s no wonder caravanning and camping is an increasingly popular choice for Aussie holidaymakers.

New research released by the Caravan Industry Association of Australia highlights the continued growth and strength of the caravan and camping industry nationally.

Caravan registrations have experienced a higher rate of increase than any other vehicle type in the last two years, and research into the number of registered RVs or motorhomes in Australia shows a jump year on year of five per cent.

In 2013 the number of registered RVs in Australia was 528,869, jumping from 502,025 the previous year. Of these registered vehicles 474,783 are towed product (caravans, camper trailers, tent trailers, and other towed RVs) while 54,103 are motorised (motorhome or campervan).

RV production statistics for May 2014 are up 7.4 per cent since May 2013. They also show the highest towables production in at least six years and the highest combined total since March 2011.

Caravanning and camping is a significant industry in Australia, accounting for $7 billion of expenditure annually, and representing over 60 million visitor nights.

These numbers are not solely the product of the Grey Nomad market – though these consumers remain significant. Industry data attributes this upsweep to younger families who are getting into the caravanning and camping spirit.

According to Tourism Research Australia, the largest consumer group in the industry is made up of 35-49 year olds, who account for approximately 50 per cent of all travel in the sector. This is further backed by the Alliance Strategic Research finding that the key current user group is 35-49 year olds, particularly families with children.

Caravan Industry Association of Australia chairman, Mark Lindsay is optimistic about the future of cararavanning and camping in Australia.

“Every year we see more and more people getting involved and seeing the sensational sights Australia has to offer. Whether they’re doing a big trip in a caravan or motorhome, or just getting away for the weekend, Aussie families are making the most of the great outdoors.”

Mr Lindsay sees a trend emerging of multi-generational families camping together, or grandparents taking the grandkids for a week away.

“Gramping is a phenomenon we’re seeing a lot of recently. It’s a great way to build inter-generational bonds, away from the routine of everyday life.”

“Australia’s love affair looks set to continue with a KPMG Research Report into caravanning and camping demographics completed in July 2013 highlighting significant opportunities for the industry, finding the family demographic as the one most likely to grow into the future,” Mr Lindsay said.

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