
Appointing a relief manager

Over the years I have developed a helpful checklist of items for managers when contracting a relief manager to manage their business. A number of places where I have worked have used the list as a basis for their operations manual.

Referral is probably the best way to find a suitable person. It is important that you have a firm written agreement about duties, office hours and remuneration.

From my experience, one person can easily manage a business normally managed by two, perhaps apart from high-season periods. This is due to the fact that a relief manager is only concerned with the day-to-day running of the business and usually does not attend to marketing, repairs, some accounting, dealings with bodies corporate etc.

Once you have established a good relationship with a regular relief manager, I suggest that you include him on your email distribution list for standard letters say to owners or marketing information so he can always be up to date. And it is not a bad idea to have him take over at least for a week twice a year. Many managers are getting up around retirement age and almost all work seven days a week. Give yourself a break and at the same time have some extra peace of mind for the future by establishing a good relationship with your relief manager.

Although this list does not detail all points of discussion I suggest it might also be useful for people purchasing management rights.

Appliances – Inform your relief manager about the location of spare jugs, toasters etc. Also advise whether TVs and DVDs are on hire or owned by the unit owner.

Banking – Provide details about how often you require the banking to be done, as well as the location of deposit books or night safe forms. Also, be sure to inform whether you reconcile your reservation system every day and if you regularly reconcile against the trust account. If you prefer not to provide your relief manager with access to your trust account then it is advisable to set up a system so you can remotely log in and print receipts for guests who pay directly into the trust account. Most banks now give you the option to let your relief manager log in and “see” the trust account but not be able to make any transactions. This is essential for issuing receipts.

Body corporate – Provide contact details of the chairperson and BC managers. Advise them that you will be away and pass on the name and contact details of your relief manager. I also suggest the relief manager be given a letter of authorisation from you. A relief manager may work for up to a month without reference to Fair Trading in Queensland but needs to hold a full real estate licence to work for any period in NSW. Provide a copy of the body corporate by-laws for the relief manager’s reference.

Cleaners – Provide details about whether they need to be contacted to work, or if they are contracted to work daily. Provide information on who is responsible for linen orders, whether cleaners service the common areas, whether they sign off daily on what has been completed and if the relief manager should check the rooms after the cleaners have finished. Also advise the location of your cleaning maintenance log for regular cleaning items.

Cash sales – Provide a list of charges as applicable for equipment hire. Also, receipt arrangement for these funds.

It seems every bank has a different way of entering numbers, settling and refunds, so leave operation details for Eftpos machines.

Duties – Provide a detailed list of all duties, including office and outside, for which the relief manager is responsible. These include pools, gardening, bins, repairs, common areas, etc.

Electrical – It’s most important to provide the phone number for your electrician. Also provide details about the location of the main switch board and circuit breakers for each unit. Provide the location of spare globes and batteries. Also other details such as whether there is an independent power supply for the building and/or for the office.

Facilities – Explain cleaning and servicing procedures.

Fire – Provide information about the location of the assembly point, fire hoses and extinguishers. Also leave details if you have a special emergency number and the phone number for a direct call to the local fire service. Other important information to consider includes whether sensors are hard wired to automatically call the fire service or if they are battery operated and also who services the equipment.

Float – Arrange who supplies the float and the amount required.

Guests – Provide a detailed checking-in procedure and which forms are required to be completed. Also details of the amount for deposits, bonds etc. Explain the filing system for receipts, deposits and guests’ information. Do you pre-authorise guests’ credit cards and by how much?

Hydraulics – Provide location information for shut off valves for the complex and for each unit, underground car park pumps’ location and manual override switch. Explain the operation of the garden sprinkler system and the location of the main control box. Also the phone number of your plumber.

Internet access – Provide details about whether it is wireless or cable, supplier details and the cost of providing access to guests. Is there Internet access for the relief manager for his personal use?

Keys – Explain how many should be issued to guests, if there is a master, if there are fees for unlocking after hours and for lost keys, and the system for programming key cards. I suggest you photocopy and sign out master keys given to the relief manager.

Lifts – Provide information about how to access the motor room and the name of your service agent. Who does the emergency phone in the lift call?

Locksmith – Inform your locksmith that you will be away and authorise the relief manager to order keys if required.

Mail – Do you want your mail opened?

Manager’s agreement – Provide the section of the manager’s contract where it sets out the responsibilities for your relief manager’s reference.

Passwords – Don’t forget to provide passwords for everything! Don’t forget the Eftpos machine, websites, trust account, computer, and after-hours safe code.

Parking – Provide information about parking rules and locations for guests and visitors.

Rate sheet – Indicate whether rates are negotiable and if so, by what percentage.

Relief manager’s accommodation – Most relief managers tend to stay in the manager’s apartment, but depending upon individual preferences, can stay in another unit within the complex or nearby.

I try and arrive the same day the owners are leaving so I do not have to be accommodated somewhere else just for one night. The ideal situation is for the managers to leave late morning so they can hand over and have a couple of hours with the relief manager before they go.

Also make arrangements for the return hand over. Do you want the cleaners to clean your apartment or leave it to the relief manager to tidy up? Do you use commercial sheets and towels or do you use your own?

Residents and units – Provide a list of owners and permanent residents.

Rubbish bins – Provide schedule of what days the bins are emptied and also if there is a bin-cleaning schedule.

Security – Provide details of your system for late arrivals and locking up procedures, including the location of switches. Also, the procedure to review security camera recordings, to issue new or replacement swipe fobs and the name of your security service and their responsibilities.

Suppliers – Provide a list of your preferred suppliers and their contact details.

Swimming pool pump room – Provide information regarding the configuration and explanation of all valves and settings. Also, the location of pool log book for recording water balance in spa and pool. Does a technician do a regular check on the pools?

Telephones – Provide a list of numbers for your phones and instructions for diverting, receiving messages remotely and for transferring calls. Also the location of the main switch board.

Tour bookings – Explain whether book vouchers are issued or if you use Ticket Mates. If Ticket Mates, advise whether it is connected through your reservation system.

TV subscription services – Provide your account number and contact details in case of service problems.

Wake-up calls – Explain the procedure and whether the relief manager can program the computer to automatically make wake-up calls.

Websites – Provide information whether availability on websites such as Site Minder is updated daily as well as other website management details. Remember to provide passwords and usernames.

Finally…When you have completed all this information you will certainly need a holiday – add on an extra week!

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