
Research link world first for Queensland

Queensland tourism businesses will gain access to the latest Asia-Pacific visitor research as part of an exclusive new partnership between Tourism and Events Queensland and the Pacific Asia Travel Association.

Minister for tourism, major events, small business and the Commonwealth Games Jann Stuckey said the partnership would empower tourism businesses with access to a world first exclusive online visitor data, TEQmPower. “TEQmPower provides tourism businesses with access to the latest visitor trends and developments in the Asia-Pacific region, enabling operators to make informed decisions and facilitate effective target marketing,” said Ms Stuckey.

“The Queensland government’s 20-year plan for tourism, Destination Success, outlines the importance of enabling Queensland tourism businesses to understand their customers through the provision of data-based insights into Queensland’s visitors, emerging trends and competitors.”

TEQ chief executive Leanne Coddington said TEQ was proud to partner with PATA, delivering on its goal to provide tourism research and insights to industry to inform strategic decision-making. “TEQ is the first state tourism organisation in the Asia-Pacific region to partner with PATA to deliver this technology to operators,” said Ms Coddington.

“TEQmPower will provide an overlay of Tourism Research Australia’s international visitor data alongside PATA’s Asia-Pacific visitor trends, providing industry with a one-stop-shop for the latest visitor insights affecting their destination.”

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