
Still tanking? Uneven job recovery for Aussie tourism

While tourism filled jobs increased 5.1 percent in December quarter 2020, according to new figures released  by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), accommodation jobs have been slower to recover. 

Jonathon Khoo, ABS head of Tourism Statistics, quantified:

We have seen 58,000 tourism jobs added in Australia since the low in June 2020.

The number of filled jobs in accommodation and food services in December quarter 2020  had dropped 11 percent from the previous year. 

Filled jobs, percentage change by industry, Dec qtr 2020, seasonally adjusted


“Recovery in tourism jobs has not been equal across industries. Industries like Road transport and Retail trade have grown, while others like Air transport, Cultural services, and Accommodation have been slower to regain jobs lost during the March and June quarters of last year.” 

Part-time jobs saw stronger growth during the quarter (up 5.9 percent), leading to the second consecutive quarter where total part-time jobs exceed total full-time jobs. 

Mr Khoo added: “The recovery in tourism lags that in the total economy even when you take into account the usual seasonal increases that occur in the December quarter.

Tourism has recovered 4 out of 10 filled jobs lost during the 2020 pandemic while the total economy has regained 7 out of 10 filled jobs over the same period according to the latest ABS Labour Account release.

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