New Zealand

Vaccinate or lose your job

New NZ legislation tipped to come on line within weeks

Taking the next step in its efforts to stop the spread of COVID-19, the New Zealand Government has announced new legislation outlining workplace vaccination requirements which will have direct impact on the hospitality sector.

While timing for the mandate is still subject to the go-ahead, but looking likely in late November or early December, New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said the ruling will apply to establishments where customers are expected to have vaccine certificates.

This includes the hospitality sector.

Under the ruling, workers will have four weeks to get vaccinated or risk losing their jobs when the mandate comes into play.

Urging workers to get vaccinated, the prime minister said the government has already mandated for workers in certain sectors, including healthcare, to be vaccinated.

Other high-risk areas, such as hospitality, should follow suit, she said.

The Urban Butler CEO, Jon Lawry said his company fully supported vaccination of staff and guests.

“It’s important for us to protect not only our guests and staff but the communities we operate in, which includes residents, building management and all stakeholders,” he said.

“The current situation is very restrictive for our business as people are unable to travel to Auckland, unless it’s essential.

“Once we have a date to work towards we expect that consumer confidence will return and people will be keen to travel over Christmas and summer.

“We need the whole country to get vaccinated otherwise we will still have limited customers/guests that will be able to travel or need to within their area. 

“Things are definitely looking like they are progressing both with vaccinations and changes to restrictions, including self-isolation for returning Kiwis.”

The new legislation will include provisions for paid time off for employees to get vaccinated, this intended to help raise workplace vaccination rates.

If an employee chooses not to get vaccinated for work that requires it, employment law will still apply.

But employees and employers must continue to deal in good faith and employers must still consider all reasonable alternatives, such as trying to find other work within the business that does not require vaccination.

The law change will introduce four weeks’ paid notice for any employee who has their job terminated because they are not vaccinated, and whose job requires it.

Employers can exempt employees from their vaccination mandates, including those who cannot be vaccinated for medical reasons.



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