
First steps taken for historic AA/TAA merger

Significant progress made but process needs to be crystal-clear

The Accommodation Association (AA) and Tourism Accommodation Australia (TAA) have taken the first steps towards amalgamation with representatives from both organisations informally meeting this week in Sydney to begin the process.

Anticipated for completion by the end of 2022, the merger process is being heavily regulated with mandated steps and timelines.

However, significant progress continues to be made in meeting these requirements with work currently focused on the preparation of the new rules, plan outline and the scheme of amalgamation for adoption by both organisations and member voting. 
In addition to the on-going formal requirements, both the Accommodation Association and Tourism Accommodation Australia continue to work closely together from a council, board, and team level to make the most of existing resources and optimise benefits for members. 
This cooperation has already seen the sharing of existing resources such as the Accommodation Association’s comprehensive employment program resources on the Hub, TAA National Industrial Relations team among them and also, the opportunity for all members to participate in the state based Awards in Queensland, New South Wales and Victoria.
TAA chair, Martin Ferguson AM said the informal meeting is an important milestone.

“We are all crystal-clear in our purpose. Everything we do needs to deliver for our current and potential members as we continue the recovery from two of the most challenging years our sector has ever faced,” he said.

AA president, Leanne Harwood has called on both organisations’ members to become involved in the process.

“By combining the power and resources of the two organisations, we want to continue to grow the impact of our unified national voice while amplifying the benefits for members at all levels,” she said.

“We need all members to get involved in this process so that you understand what is proposed and so that when it comes time to vote, you understand why we believe it makes sense.

“We need your support through your ongoing membership and your advocacy in convincing non-members to join as we create an even stronger industry body to drive greater outcomes for your business.”

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