
Getting it right in the bed department

Going undercover with the latest hotel bed presentation designs trends

So, a bed is just a bed, right?

Well actually no, a bed is so much more than that given the average person spends around 36 years – an average of 43 percent of their life – lying in a bed.

Picking and presenting the most appealing and comfortable bed is a deal more important than most people think.

And from an accommodation provider’s perspective, this advice is even more important. While the guest might not be spending 36 years in that bed, the bed is usually the first thing guests see (and try for comfort) when they walk into their room.

It needs to make an inviting first impression

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Whether it’s business or pleasure, guests want to feel a sense of warmth, comfort, and style. In this feature we will look at the latest trends, designs and colour palettes for bed accessories, luxury linen, as well as bedspreads and bedcaps.

Accom News spoke with Vicki Lugg, manager for Melbourne-based hospitality bedding and linen provider, Jason Commercial, supplier to premium hotels and resorts, as well as parks, boutique accommodation and motels including Golden Chains, Budget Motels & Best Westerns.

Vicki gave us her top tips for luxury bed presentation and what’s trending for bed covering colour palettes and textures in 2022. She also offered her best advice for smaller accommodation providers, and those working within a budget.

What are your top tips for luxury bed presentation?

First, understand the surroundings of your rooms, property and area.

Coordinate colour and texture with existing fixtures and fittings in your rooms. Sometimes a pop of colour or a contrasting texture or design can enhance a room and give it a new lease of life.

If your property is highly rated, choose premium quality bedding and linen for a luxurious night’s sleep. For example, choose feather and down quilts and pillows, cotton linen and deluxe decorator items.

If your property is more modest, select the appropriate level of quality to accommodate your guests and their requirements.

Always make sure your beds are made to perfection, no matter what rating your property is. Linen needs to be fresh, crisp and pulled tightly. Pillows need to be plump, so completely fill the pillowcases because guests don’t like ‘floppy dog ears’ on the corners.

The modern look for making a bed is triple sheeting. Then complete the effect with a decorative bed runner and cushion. You can completely alter the theme of the room with a simple change of decorator items. This is cost effective and will suit all levels of budget.

What are the latest colour palettes and textures trending for 2022 in bed coverings?

The colour pallet for next season is soft and subtle, and earthy tones are key. Spicy orange and pink, earthy, warm natural tones, muted sage green, jade and aqua are prevalent for 2022. Charcoal and grey tones are strong and chartreuse, and aubergine can add a pop of contrasting colour.

Texture also plays an important role in adding layers of interest and will add depth to your décor for the coming year. Don’t be afraid to mix and match colour and texture with your existing fixtures and fittings. Pinpoint a key item or colour in your room that is strong and build your colour theme around that inspiration. Ask your supplier for the best option to compliment your property and rooms.

What are the most important things managers should look for when purchasing new linen?

In most circumstances, budget plays a crucial role when purchasing new linen.

Consider the rating of your property and the expectations of your guests, then ask for assistance from your supplier to help choose the most appropriate bed linen that will satisfy your guests and keep them returning to your property.

When it comes to bed presentation what is your advice for smaller accommodations on a budget?

Easy care laundering is generally important for smaller, budget conscious properties. For example, polar fleece blankets are ideal for smaller accommodations, as they wash and dry rapidly. Whereas cotton and wool blankets can hold up to four times their weight in water, therefore taking a longer time to wash and dry. Again, always ask your supplier for the best option for your bed linen, blankets, protectors, decorator items and so on…

And to achieve the best colour palette, make sure you choose colours that compliment your rooms while offering good quality and staying within the restraints of your budget.

The colour pallet for next season is soft and subtle, and earthy tones are key


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