New Zealand

New study reveals Aussies’ post-holiday regret & Kiwi cousins offer a cure

1 in 5 Aussies feel like they missed out on an authentic experience, with a further 25% admitting they didn’t ask for enough local recommendations

A recent study has uncovered a concerning trend among Australians, with one in five experiencing post-holiday regret and feeling like they missed out on an authentic travel experience. Additionally, 25 percent of Aussies admit to lacking local recommendations, adding to their dissatisfaction. However, their Kiwi cousins across the Tasman Sea seem to have discovered a solution.

While Australians are known for their love of travel, the process of planning their vacations is causing them significant stress. Nearly half of them (44 percent) find itinerary planning frustrating, and a third (35 percent) confess to being unsure where to begin.

This stress not only affects their spontaneity while on holiday but also leads to post-holiday regret, with 20 percent expressing dissatisfaction with their lack of an authentic experience.

It is evident that Australians crave a more enriching and fulfilling travel experience. The missing ingredient appears to be local recommendations, as a staggering 86 percent of Aussies wish they had access to these recommendations before their trips. Surprisingly, more than half (57 percent) of Australians overlook the importance of seeking local insights when planning their vacations.

Australians are craving a more enriching experience while travelling, so what is the missing ingredient… A local recommendation!

When Australians do receive local recommendations, it significantly enhances their travel experiences. They are able to discover hidden gems (69 percent) and engage in unique activities they wouldn’t have otherwise considered (68 percent).

Our latest AccomNews print issue is available now. Read it HERE

Introducing the Local Lens Series

The study highlights Australians’ strong desire for a local lens or recommendation before embarking on their journeys, with 86 percent expressing interest in such insights.

Luckily, just a three-hour flight away, New Zealand is ready to extend a warm welcome to visitors (manuhiri) and offer them the opportunity to discover unexpected gems, often through local recommendations and the manaakitanga—the deep hospitality and reciprocity—of the locals.

From invaluable tips for road-tripping through the Central North Island to the ultimate guide of the South Island’s West Coast, Kiwi locals possess insider knowledge that can enhance the planning and booking process for a trip to Aotearoa (New Zealand).

By tapping into the expertise and recommendations of the locals, Australians can unlock unique and unforgettable experiences that will elevate their travel adventure.

To avoid those post-holiday regrets here are some Kiwi insider tips and secret spots in Aotearoa:

  • On the North Island – grab a lamb & gravy toastie at Kai Nui in Taumarunui OR walk the poignant Bridge to Nowhere in the ‘valley of abandoned dreams
  • On the South Island – try rock fossicking at Constant Bay and Doctors Bay– for the budding geologists

Uncover more about New Zealand HERE OR HERE

About the research: The research was conducted by Pureprofile on behalf of Tourism New Zealand via an online

survey conducted between 10 March and 13 March 2023. The sample comprised a nationally representative

sample of 1,005 Australians aged 18+ who have travelled abroad/outside Australia in the past 3 years. The data is

weighted by age, gender, and region to reflect the latest ABS population estimates.

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