Mature women filling hospitality training
Female workers aged between 30-50 are filling an increasing demand in hospitality by taking up apprentice positions at TAFE campuses and private colleges, according to Bill Galvin, CEO of Tourism Training Australia that manages the National Training System.
“Mature age people are really seeking short, sharp, practical training,” Mr Galvin said.
NSW TAFE enrolment numbers in commercial cookery saw a rise of 9.6% or 4800 enrolments in 2006 to 5300 in 2010.
Over the 2010-11 financial year the accommodation and food sector reported a 5.4% increase, in seasonally adjusted growth or $29.94 billion to Australian GDP. In the cafe, restaurant and takeaway sector alone, total turnover in the 2010-11 financial year amounted to just over $32 billion, an increase of 4.95% from the previous year.
Service Skills Australia’s Tourism Hospitality and Events Report 2012 found employment of workers 45-plus, from 2003-2010, grew considerably, to 21.8%.

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