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Providing eco-friendly water solutions for guests

Purchasing bottled water is not only taxing on the environment but also an added unwanted expense to your business

Australians buy almost 15 billion plastic bottles every year and many of these end up in landfill or in our waterways. According to reports from volunteers from Clean Up Australia Day, one in ten items found were related to plastic drinking bottles.

Additionally, according to Sustainability Victoria, it takes 3 litres of water and 250 ml of oil to produce 1 litre of bottled water. This is not only taxing on the environment but also purchasing bottled water is an added unwanted expense to your business. To alleviate this, consider alternatives.

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Sustainable tourism has seen an upward tick over the past few years as consumers seek out more eco-friendly options.

Especially if your accommodation is located in an area of natural beauty, reinforcing your accommodations’ commitment to environmentalism is sure to impress.

To help you consider the best water solution for your accommodation, AccomNews looked at all the latest technology and choices to help guide your decision.

Sustainable guest drinking water

Providing bottled water to guests is not only pricey, but it also results in a significant amount of plastic waste. As guests turn towards eco-friendly and sustainable options, it may be less desirable to continue to provide bottled water.

While many people now own their own refillable water bottle, consider gifting branded water bottles to guests. Not only will this reiterate your accommodation’s commitment to sustainability, but it will also leave a lasting good impression.

Alternatively, a number of brands are now selling water in recyclable containers such as a carton or boxed water, aluminium cans, or glass bottles.

Where reusable is not an option, 100 percent compostable products could act as an alternative.

However, with recyclable bottles, there is a need to help guests dispose of them. Ensure you have ample recycling bins available for guest use.

Water coolers and fountains

After a long day of exploring or travelling, your guests will likely be returning to their accommodation a tad parched.

Whether bottled in glass or plastic, providing bottled water to guests requires additional storage and constant monitoring of stock.

As a more long-term solution to sustainability, consider installing a water cooler or fountain within your accommodation.

Providing a water cooler allows guests and staff to pour themselves a glass of water or fill up their own water bottle at their own convenience.

Importantly, to best accommodate all of your guest’s needs there are a number of water fountain designs to choose from. Carefully consider installation in the space and height, remembering to provide access for your guests with disabilities and wheelchair users. Choose refrigerated or not, freestanding, space saving, or wall mounted. Think about whether you want an all-in-one drinking fountain and water bottle re-fill and if it should be sanitary with a no-touch auto sensor activation or foot pedal.

Remember you can also install a water station outside; a perfect solution for an open plan tropical, golf or activity resort, for an accommodation where the reception area is short on space and of course for holiday parks.

Filtered water solutions

Either freestanding or installed in a benchtop, filtered water solutions are important when considering swapping out bottled water.

Particularly if your accommodation caters to international guests, easy access to filtered water may be a high priority.

For example, a 2021 study found that approximately 61.4 million people in the U.S. did not drink their tap water as of 2017-2018.

Also, of concern with consumers is ensuring the safety of water, given the COVID-19 pandemic, a number of filtered water solutions now have ‘contactless’ options for added peace of mind.

Additionally, the rising literature surrounding microplastics is another reason to ensure that your accommodation’s water filtration system is up to scratch.

Alarmingly, in 2017, an estimated 83 percent of tap water samples collected from over a dozen countries on five continents tested positive for microplastics.

Water types

Cater to all guest needs, by providing a range of easily accessible water options. Think hot water for tea, coffee, or baby formula, and sparkling for those looking for something a little bit fancy!

Popular in hospitality settings, water dispensers are a desired choice within accommodation settings too. Allow your guests to fill up their own glass or water bottle with delicious, chilled water- either sparkling or still.

Better yet, studies have shown that water dispensers can help businesses avoid up to 96 percent of plastic clutter, and significantly reduce plastic waste removal costs and environmental pollution by installing a filtered water source at your hotel.

Not only for guests, but a water dispenser is also sure to be popular with employees looking to stay hydrated. Particularly in warmer climates, this could go a long way towards ensuring staff well-being and promoting self-care.

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