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Aussies are planning their next holiday close to home

YouGov data reveals that Australians intend to explore domestic destinations in 2024

With summer fading, and the year well and truly underway, Aussies are looking to plan their next holiday destination. However, according to YouGov Profiles, the top three destinations for Aussie travellers are closer to home than you might think.

Currently, Queensland (15 percent) is top of the consideration list for Australian travellers. New South Wales (13 percent) and Victoria (10 percent) follow, taking out the second and third-place spots. This ranking is determined by YouGov Profiles – which covers demographic, psychographic, attitudinal, and behavioural consumer metrics.

Read the summer print edition of AccomNews HERE

In fourth place is the first international destination. 8 percent of Australians are planning to visit Asia (including China, Japan, India). Following, the fifth place destination is back on the Australian continent. Equal proportions (4 percent each) of travellers are interested in Western Australia, South Australia, New Zealand and Tasmania.

Image: YouGov

Of those willing to go further away, 4 percent are interested in Mainland Europe, and similar proportions would opt for Bali and other Indonesian destinations (3 percent), as well as UK and Ireland (3 percent). Only 2 percent are considering Mainland USA, and 1 percent each have Canada, Africa, and Latin America on their list. As for the cost of travel, according to YouGov Profiles data, 36 percent of Australian travellers spent between $1000 and $5000 on their most recent holiday in the last 12 months.

This is calculated on a per person basis. Just over one in ten (12 percent) travelled economically and kept their expenditure under $500, and 14 percent spent between $500 and $999 per person on their latest travel adventure. Only 8 percent of Australians spent over $5000 on their last holiday.

When it comes to booking holidays, most Australians travellers like to be well prepared. Almost six in ten (59 percent) say they prefer booking their holidays well in advance. Comparatively, nearly three in ten (28 percent) prefer to do the opposite – they say they usually wait for last minute deals.

About half of Australians are very conscious of their budget while travelling, with 51 percent who say they try to stick to a strict budget when they’re on holiday. Over a quarter (28 percent) of respondents also say they’d never think of booking a package holiday.

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