On World Tourism Day, Townsville Enterprise announced its new campaign to shine a light on the importance of the lesser-known corners of our industry. Tourism is very important to the whole community and its supply chain including produce suppliers, hotel housekeepers, and tourism vessel engineers are just as impacted by its highs and lows.
The tourism industry contributes $1.2 billion to the economy every year and provides 8,000 jobs locally. Across a four-week long campaign Townsville Enterprise will showcase businesses and their stories to make the community aware of just how critical our tourism sector is, and that behind every number is a person that relies on the continual support of locals.
Townsville Enterprise Director, Visitor Economy and Marketing, Lisa Woolfe said the first thing people think of as the ‘tourism industry’ is a snorkel tour, a place to stay or somewhere to eat, but it’s much bigger than that.
“Tourism is the whole experience. It’s the feeling visitors and locals get when they explore our region, and delivering that world-class experience takes a huge team of businesses from all corners of the industry,” Ms Woolfe said.
“Our tourism industry touches housekeepers, bartenders, mechanics, security guards, skippers, accountants, farmers, small business owners, chefs, and so many more. When the tourism sector is doing well, so are the suppliers; and when businesses are struggling this immediately flows through to a much bigger supply chain, one that is bigger and more far-reaching than people might imagine.”
“With the end of school holidays just around the corner now is the perfect time to showcase the reach and impact our tourism industry has. This campaign is putting a call to arms to our community to stay and play locally so they can continue to support their tourism and hospitality industry.
“Post school holidays, our events season and as we move into the quieter months, we want to continue to see support for our local tourism businesses. We want the community to be proud to share how they are ‘Together in Tourism’.”
The tourism industry is excited to support this campaign and shine a light on the work of their underexposed counterparts. For local restaurant owner, Allan Pike of the C Bar Strand, he says it takes a whole of industry approach to lift the region.
“As a business owner, I’m acutely aware of how many other businesses we work with to make our day-to-day operations happen. For example, we work closely with Simon George and Sons, a local produce supplier, and when we’re facing capacity restrictions they are just as much impacted as we are.”
“We are extremely excited by this new campaign, and we hope it shows locals just how far and wide their continual support goes. When they come and have breakfast at the C Bar they are supporting more than just our restaurant, they are supporting our wait staff, our suppliers and so many more” he said.
Townsville Enterprise is encouraging people to show how they’re ‘Together in Tourism’ by sharing images on social media with the hashtag #togetherintourism and #townsvilleshines.
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