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Joint AAoA/TAA NSW Market Update reinforces sector’s resilience

Milestone meeting marks crucial step to creating a single, powerful industry voice

Standing together for the first time together with a single industry focus, the Accommodation Association (AA) and Tourism Accommodation Australia (TAA), along with guest speakers, have delivered a timely update to members as the merger of both organisations draw inexorably closer.

Some 150 members attended the event held in The Adate at Sydney’s Crown Towers in Barangaroo to hear from both associations’ leaders and a trio of senior industry experts.

These included Deloitte Access Economics National Travel, Hospitality and Services Lead,  Adele Labine-Romain; St George Bank’s Chief Economist, Besa Deda, and STR regional manager – Pacific, Matthew Burke.

Addressing the assembly, AA president, Leanne Harwood said the update represented a milestone event for everyone.

“I cannot emphasise enough how incredibly important this is for us to lead the recovery of our industry united together.,” she said.

“There has been tireless work across the country to continue to advocate and deliver meaningful outcomes for our members and for our sector. It’s been delightful to see the impact of our combined efforts to government, most recently over the last few months, making a difference.

“From business support payments which keep the lights on, to voucher schemes which encouraged people to walk through our opening doors. We have had a seat at the table with government and been at the front of discussing every issue facing our industry from floods, quarantine, and skills shortages to a subject I’m incredibly passionate about, diversity, equity and inclusion.” 

TAA CEO NSW & National, Michael Johnson

Thanking the speakers, sponsors, partners and host Crown Sydney, TAA CEO NSW & National, Michael Johnson said it was great that some genuine green shoots could finally be seen on the horizon.

“This joint function is another major milestone in the merging of these two great Associations and another step on the road to creating a single, powerful voice for our industry at a crucial time,” he said.

“This update provided powerful insights into trends, analysis of contributing factors in NSW and more widely and identified opportunities as we rebuild and recover.”

The Accommodation Association’s Chair of NSW State Advisory Committee, Patrick Lonergan, CEO, Richard Munro and TAA NSW Board Member (Acting Chair), Glen Boultwood also provided updates.
The event was followed by Chairman’s and President’s Drinks held at the spectacular CIRQ, on the 26th floor of Crown Sydney. Crown Sydney, in the Pearl Ballroom.

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